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Red Hat Debuts New Versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Red Hat, Inc., a provider of open source solutions, is offering Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.1, the latest version of the enterprise Linux platform. Along with the recently announced Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7, these minor versions add and refine capabilities for a wide range of enterprise IT needs, from helping to streamline complex infrastructure environments to improving the security stance of containerized applications.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.1 released


Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.1 has now hit general availability, adding and refining capabilities for a wide range of enterprise IT needs, from helping to streamline complex infrastructure environments to improving the security stance of containerised applications.

Mozilla Firefox 105 Now Out with Performance Boosts for Windows and Linux


A few weeks ago, we saw the release of both Google Chrome 105 and Microsoft Edge 105, and now, we have the same version number being made available for Mozilla Firefox. Firefox 104 last month brought support for subtitles in Disney+ Picture-in-Picture and improvements to snapping behaviors. Firefox 105 seems to be more focused on performance and accessibility enhancements.