How to secure my webserver

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Discover How To Secure My Webserver HOWTOs

Apache Security Tips


Some hints and tips on security issues in setting up a web server. Some of the suggestions will be general, others specific to Apache.

Improving Apache


This documentation will discuss the certain configuration steps that are needed to ensure the Web server's security.

Securing a PHP Installation


This documentation will discuss security issues relating to PHP. PHP can be a very powerful and, overall, secure language. That doesn't mean you can just throw caution to the wind.

Apache Security


Here's a pretty well-written introduction to utilizing the access control mechanisms built into Apache. This includes the Apache security modules, controlling access by IP and username, using htaccess/htpasswd, among others.

Securing-Domain HOWTO


Outlines the things you will probably have to do when you want to setup a network of computers under your own domain. Covers configuration of network parameters, network services, and security settings.