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Ubuntu 24.04 Security Enhancements Analyzed


The release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, also known as Noble Numbat, brings various security enhancements and exciting new features. These improvements include unprivileged user namespace restrictions, binary hardening, AppArmor 4, disabling old TLS versions, and upstream kernel security features.

Canonical Snap Store Scams Lead To Policy Changes


Canonical has taken steps to address the growing problem of cryptocurrency credential-stealing apps in the Snap store by introducing manual reviews for all new Snap name registrations. This move by Canonical reflects a temporary measure to tackle the influx of scam apps.

Zorin OS 17.1: Facilitating a Seamless Transition for Windows Apps on Linux


Zorin OS 17.1, the latest release of the Linux distribution, aims to streamline the process of running Windows applications on a Linux system. By combining the Wine compatibility layer with the Bottles application, Zorin OS offers a user-friendly solution for Linux admins, infosec professionals, and sysadmins looking to harness the benefits of Linux while still enjoying their essential Windows apps.