Albert Gonzalez submits, "The Bait N Switch Honeypot system is a multifaceted attempt to take honeypots out of the shadows of the network security model. We attempt to make them a participant in your systems defense. To do this, we are . . .
Albert Gonzalez submits, "The Bait N Switch Honeypot system is a multifaceted attempt to take honeypots out of the shadows of the network security model. We attempt to make them a participant in your systems defense. To do this, we are creating a system that reacts to hostile intrusion attempts by redirecting all hostile traffic to a honeypot that is partially mirroring your production machine. Once switched, the would-be hacker is unknowingly attacking your honeypot instead of your production machine. The real data is still safe on the production system while your clients and/or users can still safely access the production system. We combined Defensive and Research based honeypots into a reliable asset in your networks security model."

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