SciLinux: CVE-2014-0119 Low: tomcat6 SL6.x (noarch)
Low: tomcat6 security update
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:50:46 +0000 Reply-To: Sender: Security Errata for Scientific LinuxFrom: Pat Riehecky Subject: Security ERRATA Low: tomcat6 on SL6.x (noarch) MIME-Version: 1.0 Synopsis: Low: tomcat6 security update Advisory ID: SLSA-2014:1038-1 Issue Date: 2014-08-11 CVE Numbers: CVE-2014-0119 CVE-2013-4590 -- It was found that several application-provided XML files, such as web.xml, content.xml, *.tld, *.tagx, and *.jspx, resolved external entities, permitting XML External Entity (XXE) attacks. An attacker able to deploy malicious applications to Tomcat could use this flaw to circumvent security restrictions set by the JSM, and gain access to sensitive information on the system. Note that this flaw only affected deployments in which Tomcat is running applications from untrusted sources, such as in a shared hosting environment. (CVE-2013-4590) It was found that, in certain circumstances, it was possible for a malicious web application to replace the XML parsers used by Apache Tomcat to process XSLTs for the default servlet, JSP documents, tag library descriptors (TLDs), and tag plug-in configuration files. The injected XML parser(s) could then bypass the limits imposed on XML external entities and/or gain access to the XML files processed for other web applications deployed on the same Apache Tomcat instance. (CVE-2014-0119) Tomcat must be restarted for this update to take effect. -- SL6 noarch tomcat6-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-admin-webapps-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-docs-webapp-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-el-2.1-api-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-javadoc-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-lib-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm tomcat6-webapps-6.0.24-78.el6_5.noarch.rpm - Scientific Linux Development Team
Low: tomcat6 security update