Recently, the FBI has become embroiled into the controversy surrounding its latest attempt to bring law enforcement into the Information Age. The "Carnivore'" project is the Bureau's attempt to collect information on electronic suspects and computer criminals in the dark reaches . . .
Recently, the FBI has become embroiled into the controversy surrounding its latest attempt to bring law enforcement into the Information Age. The "Carnivore'" project is the Bureau's attempt to collect information on electronic suspects and computer criminals in the dark reaches of cyberspace.....their version of a combination TRAP AND TRACE and PEN REGISTER carried over from the 'old fashion' days of POTS, or Plain Old Telephone Service. The ACLU, EFF, EPIC, Congressional committees, and even segments of the American technocracy are up-at-arms over this questionable law enforcement device, and even more dubious of the goofy explanations provided by FBI front-men as to how it is employed. From where I sit, it looks like the FBI wants to get into the "Enemy of the State" spook-tech game like everyone thinks NSA participates in.

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