The System and Network Security group is is meeting with several key players in the information security arena on Friday to discuss and outline the 10 top security threats. "Tomorrow (June 1) the FBI, Justice Department, GSA, the CIAO . . .
The System and Network Security group is is meeting with several key players in the information security arena on Friday to discuss and outline the 10 top security threats. "Tomorrow (June 1) the FBI, Justice Department, GSA, the CIAO and CERT/CC will join with SANS and two dozen leading security gurus to unveil the Top Ten Security Threats on the Internet. These are vulnerability clusters that account for the majority of all successful attacks. At noon (EST) on Thursday, you'll find the Top Ten posted at along with guidance on how to fix them. This is one of the most important consensus research projects we've ever undertaken - an opportunity to make a measurable dent in the vulnerability of the Internet. Please take a leadership role in your organization to get these vulnerabilities fixed."