The malware researcher 'kafeine' found an 0day in Flash used by Angler EK malware. CVE-2014-8440 CVE-2015-0310 CVE-2015-0311 Description: Actual Version flash version in archlinux: flashplugin Is our version vulnerable too? Have somebody some information about this? According to the information provided by Adobe in [1], I think so. Unfortunately there is not much information available on the issue and no fix available as far as I know, therefore I would recommend completely disabling the flash plugin, which might be a good idea if you care about security anyway. Oh and please don't hijack existing unrelated thread for starting a new topic :) [1]:

ArchLinux: 201501-16: unpatched 0day in flash

January 23, 2015


Actual Version flash version in archlinux: flashplugin Is our version vulnerable too? Have somebody some information about this?
According to the information provided by Adobe in [1], I think so.
Unfortunately there is not much information available on the issue and no fix available as far as I know, therefore I would recommend completely disabling the flash plugin, which might be a good idea if you care about security anyway.
Oh and please don't hijack existing unrelated thread for starting a new topic :)






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