A security processor startup with a design team composed of engineers from Compaq Computer Corp.'s former Alpha operation has introduced a new encryption chip that it claims will shatter the current standards for high-end encryption. In this young field, where new . . .
A security processor startup with a design team composed of engineers from Compaq Computer Corp.'s former Alpha operation has introduced a new encryption chip that it claims will shatter the current standards for high-end encryption. In this young field, where new designs routinely offer performance gains that are tenfold improvements or better over their predecessors, such a rate of progress is typical.

Syed Ali, president and chief executive of Cavium Networks Inc., said that Cavium's Nitrox processor family will operate at bulk encryption, Internet Protocol Secure (IPsec) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) levels to support a full suite of virtual private network and secure Web-transaction duties.

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