- -------------------------------------------------------------------------Debian LTS Advisory DLA-3043-1                debian-lts@lists.debian.org
https://www.debian.org/lts/security/                   Andreas Rönnquist
June 06, 2022                                 https://wiki.debian.org/LTS
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------Package        : pidgin
Version        : 2.12.0-1+deb9u1
CVE ID         : CVE-2022-26491

An issue was discovered in Pidgin before 2.14.9. A remote attacker
who can spoof DNS responses can redirect a client connection to a
malicious server. The client will perform TLS certificate
verification of the malicious domain name instead of the original
XMPP service domain, allowing the attacker to take over control
over the XMPP connection and to obtain user credentials and all
communication content.

For Debian 9 stretch, this problem has been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your pidgin packages.

For the detailed security status of pidgin please refer to
its security tracker page at:

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS

Debian LTS: DLA-3043-1: pidgin security update

June 6, 2022
An issue was discovered in Pidgin before 2.14.9


We recommend that you upgrade your pidgin packages.

For the detailed security status of pidgin please refer to
its security tracker page at:

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS

Version : 2.12.0-1+deb9u1
CVE ID : CVE-2022-26491

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