How to: Harden My Filesystem in Linux

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How To Create a Secure FTP Server with Linux and SSH


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) remains an invaluable component of the business technology landscape for those not quite adept at running an entire build system. While going full cloud may seem appealing, think twice if any files that contain sensitive information need to be uploaded and downloaded through third-party services without your control.

The Linux rm Command: Everything You Need to Know


Linux deletes directories and files using the rm Linux command. You need to know what will happen when you press "Enter" to use this tool in a safe manner. Here's what you need to understand to use the rm Linux command securely and effectively.

How to Encrypt and Securely Transfer Files with GPG


Today we'll cover how to encrypt and securely transfer files using GPG. GPG is a free, open-source encryption program that uses public-key cryptography, which means you can send encrypted files without ever having to send your private key over email or any other insecure channel. The only way to decrypt the file is if you have both your public and private keys, which means even if someone were able to intercept and read the message before it reached its intended recipient, it would be useless without the private key.

How To Download A File In Linux


Welcome to the world of Linux, where downloading files is a vital part of everyday tasks. Whether you’re a Linux enthusiast or a casual user, knowing how to download files efficiently is essential for your productivity. In this article, we will explore various methods and commands that you can use to download files in Linux.

How to Change Owner of Folders and Subfolders in Ubuntu


As you learn Ubuntu, you find that you need to change the ownership of a folder or even its subfolders. Why is this important? Whether you’re an administrator managing multi-user environments or a regular user consolidating data, changing folder ownership can serve several key purposes.

Linux Files: Creating, Listing, Updating, and More


There’s a lot more to working with files on Linux than creating, listing and updating them. After all, files can be Linux commands (i.e., binaries), scripts, images, simple text files, pointers to other files or folders. You might remember the "everything is a file" description of Unix and Linux systems.

How to Encrypt Files in Linux with Tomb


Tomb is a simple shell script that allows you to encrypt files in Linux. Unlike full disk encryption, Tomb enables you to only include the files and folders that you want to encrypt. Here we show you how to install and use Tomb on Ubuntu.

How to Add a User to the sudoers File in Linux


The people who can use the Linux sudo command are members of a small and select club, sometimes called the “sudoers” list. Each member has the same powers as root. So how do you join that club? We’ll walk through adding a person to sudoers as well as editing the sudoers file to limit permissions.