Advisory: Fedora Essential and Critical Security Patch Updates

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Fedora 25: webkitgtk4 Security Update


Highlights of the 2.16.0 release: * Hardware acceleration is now enabled on demand to drastically reduce memory consumption. * CSS Grid Layout is enabled by default. * New WebKitSetting to set the hardware acceleration policy. * UI process API to configure network proxy settings. * Improved private browsing by adding new API to create ephemeral web views. * New API to handle website data.

Fedora 24: webkitgtk4 Security Update 2017-0f38995622


Highlights of the 2.16.0 release: * Hardware acceleration is now enabled on demand to drastically reduce memory consumption. * CSS Grid Layout is enabled by default. * New WebKitSetting to set the hardware acceleration policy. * UI process API to configure network proxy settings. * Improved private browsing by adding new API to create ephemeral web views. * New API to handle website data.

Fedora 24: kernel Security Update 2017-15fbaf2450


The 4.9.17 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree ---- The 4.9.16 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree ---- The 4.9.15 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree ---- The 4.9.14 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree.

Fedora 25: kernel Security Update 2017-90aaa5bd24


The 4.10.5 stable kernel update contains a number of important fixes across the tree. ---- The 4.10.4 stable kernel update contains a number of important fixes across the tree. It also reverts CONFIG_CFG80211_CRDA_SUPPORT to match the previous 4.9 kernels. ---- The 4.10.3 kernel rebase contains a number of new features, important fixes, and additional hardware support.