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Fedora 26: mysql-mmm Security Update


# Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL mmm_agentd Remote Command Injection Vulnerabilities This update adds data sanitization to inputs for the mmm agent. Multiple exploitable remote command injection vulnerabilities exist in the MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager (MMM) mmm_agentd daemon 2.2.1. mmm_agentd commonly runs with root privileges and does not require authentication by

Fedora 27: mysql-mmm Security Update 2018-e31f52c5ee


# Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL mmm_agentd Remote Command Injection Vulnerabilities This update adds data sanitization to inputs for the mmm agent. Multiple exploitable remote command injection vulnerabilities exist in the MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager (MMM) mmm_agentd daemon 2.2.1. mmm_agentd commonly runs with root privileges and does not require authentication by

Fedora 27: webkitgtk4 Security Update 2018-93ba62d099 2018-93ba62d099


This update addresses the following vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2018-4200](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-4200) Additional fixes: * Do TLS error checking on GTlsConnection::accept-certificate to finish the load earlier in case of errors. * Properly close the connection to the nested wayland compositor in the Web Process. * Avoid painting backing

Fedora 27: mysql-mmm Security Update


# Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL mmm_agentd Remote Command Injection Vulnerabilities This update adds data sanitization to inputs for the mmm agent. Multiple exploitable remote command injection vulnerabilities exist in the MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager (MMM) mmm_agentd daemon 2.2.1. mmm_agentd commonly runs with root privileges and does not require authentication by

Fedora 27: webkitgtk4 Security Update 2018-93ba62d099


This update addresses the following vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2018-4200](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-4200) Additional fixes: * Do TLS error checking on GTlsConnection::accept-certificate to finish the load earlier in case of errors. * Properly close the connection to the nested wayland compositor in the Web Process. * Avoid painting backing