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Gentoo Linux Security Advisory                           GLSA 200702-10
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  Severity: Normal
     Title: UFO2000: Multiple vulnerabilities
      Date: February 25, 2007
      Bugs: #142392
        ID: 200702-10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in the network components of
UFO2000 that could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.

UFO2000 is a multi-player, turn-based tactical simulation.

Affected packages
     Package                 /  Vulnerable  /               Unaffected
  1  games-strategy/ufo2000     < 0.7.1062                 >= 0.7.1062

Five vulnerabilities were found: a buffer overflow in recv_add_unit();
a problem with improperly trusting user-supplied string information in
decode_stringmap(); several issues with array manipulation via various
commands during play; an SQL injection in server_protocol.cpp; and
finally, a second buffer overflow in recv_map_data().

An attacker could send crafted network traffic as part of a
multi-player game that could result in remote code execution on the
remote opponent or the server. A remote attacker could also run
arbitrary SQL queries against the server account database, and perform
a Denial of Service on a remote opponent by causing the game to crash.

There is no known workaround at this time.

UFO2000 currently depends on the dumb-0.9.2 library, which has been
removed from portage due to security problems (GLSA 200608-14) .
Because of this, UFO2000 has been masked, and we recommend unmerging
the package until the next beta release can remove the dependency on

    # emerge --ask --verbose --unmerge ufo2000

  [ 1 ] CVE-2006-3788
  [ 2 ] CVE-2006-3789
  [ 3 ] CVE-2006-3790
  [ 4 ] CVE-2006-3791
  [ 5 ] CVE-2006-3792
  [ 6 ] GLSA 200608-14

This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:


Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
security@gentoo.org or alternatively, you may file a bug at

Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.


Gentoo: GLSA-200702-10: UFO2000: Multiple vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in the network components of UFO2000 that could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.


Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200702-10 https://security.gentoo.org/ Severity: Normal Title: UFO2000: Multiple vulnerabilities Date: February 25, 2007 Bugs: #142392 ID: 200702-10

Synopsis ======= Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in the network components of UFO2000 that could result in the remote execution of arbitrary code.
Background ========= UFO2000 is a multi-player, turn-based tactical simulation.
Affected packages ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Package / Vulnerable / Unaffected ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 games-strategy/ufo2000 < 0.7.1062 >= 0.7.1062
========== Five vulnerabilities were found: a buffer overflow in recv_add_unit(); a problem with improperly trusting user-supplied string information in decode_stringmap(); several issues with array manipulation via various commands during play; an SQL injection in server_protocol.cpp; and finally, a second buffer overflow in recv_map_data().
Impact ===== An attacker could send crafted network traffic as part of a multi-player game that could result in remote code execution on the remote opponent or the server. A remote attacker could also run arbitrary SQL queries against the server account database, and perform a Denial of Service on a remote opponent by causing the game to crash.
Workaround ========= There is no known workaround at this time.
Resolution ========= UFO2000 currently depends on the dumb-0.9.2 library, which has been removed from portage due to security problems (GLSA 200608-14) . Because of this, UFO2000 has been masked, and we recommend unmerging the package until the next beta release can remove the dependency on dumb.
# emerge --ask --verbose --unmerge ufo2000
References ========= [ 1 ] CVE-2006-3788 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-3788 [ 2 ] CVE-2006-3789 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-3789 [ 3 ] CVE-2006-3790 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-3790 [ 4 ] CVE-2006-3791 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-3791 [ 5 ] CVE-2006-3792 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-3792 [ 6 ] GLSA 200608-14 https://security.gentoo.org/glsa/200608-14
Availability =========== This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at the Gentoo Security Website:
Concerns? ======== Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to security@gentoo.org or alternatively, you may file a bug at https://bugs.gentoo.org/.
License ====== Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text belongs to its owner(s).
The contents of this document are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.








Affected Packages



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