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Gentoo Linux Security Advisory                           GLSA 200801-10
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  Severity: Low
     Title: TikiWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities
      Date: January 23, 2008
      Bugs: #203265
        ID: 200801-10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in TikiWiki, some of them
having unknown impact.

TikiWiki is an open source content management system written in PHP.

Affected packages
     Package            /  Vulnerable  /                    Unaffected
  1  www-apps/tikiwiki       < 1.9.9                          >= 1.9.9

* Jesus Olmos Gonzalez from isecauditors reported insufficient
  sanitization of the "movies" parameter in file tiki-listmovies.php

* Mesut Timur from H-Labs discovered that the input passed to the
  "area_name" parameter in file tiki-special_chars.php is not properly
  sanitised before being returned to the user (CVE-2007-6526).

* redflo reported multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in files
  tiki-edit_css.php, tiki-list_games.php, and
  tiki-g-admin_shared_source.php (CVE-2007-6529).

A remote attacker can craft the "movies" parameter to run a directory
traversal attack through a ".." sequence and read the first 1000 bytes
of any arbitrary file, or conduct a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack
through the "area_name" parameter. This attack can be exploited to
execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session,
allowing for the theft of browser session data or cookies in the
context of the affected web site. The impacts of the unspecified
vulnerabilities are still unknown.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All TikiWiki users should upgrade to the latest version:

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-apps/tikiwiki-1.9.9"

  [ 1 ] CVE-2007-6526
  [ 2 ] CVE-2007-6528
  [ 3 ] CVE-2007-6529

This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:


Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
security@gentoo.org or alternatively, you may file a bug at

Copyright 2008 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.


Gentoo: GLSA-200801-10: TikiWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in TikiWiki, some of them having unknown impact.


Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200801-10 https://security.gentoo.org/ Severity: Low Title: TikiWiki: Multiple vulnerabilities Date: January 23, 2008 Bugs: #203265 ID: 200801-10

Synopsis ======= Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in TikiWiki, some of them having unknown impact.
Background ========= TikiWiki is an open source content management system written in PHP.
Affected packages ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Package / Vulnerable / Unaffected ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 www-apps/tikiwiki < 1.9.9 >= 1.9.9
========== * Jesus Olmos Gonzalez from isecauditors reported insufficient sanitization of the "movies" parameter in file tiki-listmovies.php (CVE-2007-6528).
* Mesut Timur from H-Labs discovered that the input passed to the "area_name" parameter in file tiki-special_chars.php is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user (CVE-2007-6526).
* redflo reported multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in files tiki-edit_css.php, tiki-list_games.php, and tiki-g-admin_shared_source.php (CVE-2007-6529).
Impact ===== A remote attacker can craft the "movies" parameter to run a directory traversal attack through a ".." sequence and read the first 1000 bytes of any arbitrary file, or conduct a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack through the "area_name" parameter. This attack can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session, allowing for the theft of browser session data or cookies in the context of the affected web site. The impacts of the unspecified vulnerabilities are still unknown.
Workaround ========= There is no known workaround at this time.
Resolution ========= All TikiWiki users should upgrade to the latest version:
# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-apps/tikiwiki-1.9.9"
References ========= [ 1 ] CVE-2007-6526 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6526 [ 2 ] CVE-2007-6528 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6528 [ 3 ] CVE-2007-6529 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6529
Availability =========== This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at the Gentoo Security Website:
Concerns? ======== Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to security@gentoo.org or alternatively, you may file a bug at https://bugs.gentoo.org/.
License ====== Copyright 2008 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text belongs to its owner(s).
The contents of this document are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.








Affected Packages



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