openSUSE: openSUSE 11.3 has reached end of SUSE support
Hi,(also announced by Benjamin on opensuse-announce)With the release of release-notes-openSUSE on Friday 20th of JanuarySUSE has released the last update for openSUSE 11.3.openSUSE 11.3 is now officially discontinued and out of support by SUSE.Here are some security statistics:openSUSE 11.3 was released on July 15th 2010, making it 18 monthsof security and bugfix support.Some statistics on the released patches (compared to 11.2):Total updates: 581 (+92) Security: 358 (+41) Recommended: 221 (+49) Optional: 2 (+2)CVE Entries: 1212 (+78)Top issues (compared to 11.2 for issues down to 5) 14 seamonkey (+3) 12 MozillaFirefox (-6) 12 flash-player (+2) 11 MozillaThunderbird (+3) 10 opera (-3) 9 kernel (+4) 7 mozilla-xulrunner191 (+1) 7 libopenssl-devel (+2) 7 java-1_6_0-openjdk (+2) 6 krb5 (-3) 6 bind (+3) 6 acroread (-2) 5 wireshark (+1) 5 tomcat6 (0) 5 exim (+2) 5 dhcp (+4) 5 clamav (0) 5 apache2-mod_php5 (0)And top issues sorted by CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration) count down to 5) (compared to 11.2 for the top): 214 libwebkit (+34) 138 seamonkey (+18) 128 kernel (+22) 113 MozillaFirefox (-6) 111 MozillaThunderbird (-16) 96 mozilla-xulrunner191 (+12) 90 java-1_6_0-sun (-4) 86 acroread (-27) 82 flash-player (-1) 54 opera (+27) 51 java-1_6_0-openjdk (-43) 49 apache2-mod_php5 (+4) 32 wireshark (+6) 21 freetype2 (+3) 16 icedtea-web 13 krb5 (-2) 12 OpenOffice_org (0) 12 libopenssl-devel (+6) 11 tomcat6 (0) 10 apache2 (+8) 10 quagga 9 libmariadbclient16 8 rubygem-actionmailer 8 gimp (+2) 8 libmysqlclient-devel (-15) 8 perl (-1) 8 dhcp (+6) 8 libmysqlclusterclient16 8 clamav (-2) 8 bind (+2) 8 libmodplug (+7) 7 libtiff-devel (+2) 7 exim (+2) 7 libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring-1-0 (+4) 7 libvirt (+1) 7 finch (-5) 7 NetworkManager (+5) 6 ecryptfs-utils 6 libpng14 6 puppet (+5) 6 sysconfig (+2) 6 xorg-x11-Xvnc (+4) 6 sudo (0) 6 libpng12 6 python-feedparser (+1) 6 kvm (+5) 5 compat-openssl097g (+4) 5 otrs (+3) 5 glibc (-1) 5 libmoon-devel 5 radvd 5 evince (0) 5 libxml2 (+3) 5 libpcsclite1 (0) 5 cyrus-imapd# security updates by count# grep -l type..secur updateinfo-*|sed -e's/^updateinfo-//;s/-[0-9]*.xml$//;'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n +0 -r|less# grep CVE- update* |perl -e '%cves=();while (<>) { while (/(CVE-2...-....)/) {$cve{$1}++; s/CVE-2...-....//;} } print join("\n",sort keys %cve)."\n";' | wc -l# for i in updateinfo-* ; do echo -n "$i " ; grep CVE- $i|perl -e'%cves=();while (<>) { while (/(CVE-2...-....)/) { $cve{$1}++;s/CVE-2...-....//;} } print join("\n",sort keys %cve)."\n";' | wc -l ; done|perl -e 'while (<>) { /^updateinfo-(\S*)-\d*.xml (\d*)$/; $cnt{$1}+=$2; } ;foreach (sort { $cnt{$b} <=> $cnt{$a} } keys %cnt) { print "$cnt{$_}\t\t$_\n";}' --
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