openSUSE: openSUSE 11.4 has reached end of SUSE support - 11.4 Evergreen goes on
With the release of ruby on Monday 5th of November the SUSE sponsoredmaintenance of openSUSE 11.4 has ended.openSUSE 11.4 is now officially discontinued and out of support by SUSE.openSUSE 11.4 was the first openSUSE distribution maintained usingOpenBuildService methods (known as "OBS Maintenance"), allowing fullcommunity participation. We also migrated it from the old internalSUSE method to the OBS method on the fly during the lifetime without anyinterruption.openSUSE 11.4 will be continued to be maintained by the Evergreencommunity team. Their wikipage is on ,please check it out for more information.Here are some statistics:openSUSE 11.4 was released on March 4th 2011, making it 20 monthsof security and bugfix support. (2 openSUSE releases + 2 months)Some statistics on the released patches (compared to 11.3):Total updates: 723 (+142) Security: 416 (+58) Recommended: 306 (+85) Optional: 1 (-1)Quite some increase on updates, both security and bugfix wise.Some of this is due to the 2 months increased lifetime compared toopenSUSE 11.3, some of this is due to a more open community bugfixinvolvement.CVE Entries: 1113 (-99)Top issues (compared to 11.3 for issues down to 5) 10 seamonkey (-4) 10 MozillaFirefox (-2) 9 php5 (+4) 9 MozillaThunderbird (-2) 8 flash-player (-4) 6 wireshark (+1) 6 opera (-4) 6 java-1_6_0-openjdk (-1) 6 bind ( 0) 5 openssl (-2) 5 libpng14 (new) 5 icedtea-web (new)And top issues sorted by CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration) count down to 10)(comparison to 11.3 for some ... but due to the OBS maintenance migration some CVEs are not easily accounted for) 139 MozillaThunderbird (+26) 139 MozillaFirefox (+28) 135 seamonkey (-3) 67 kernel (-61) 56 java-1_6_0-openjdk 44 flash-player (+38) 41 mozilla-nspr 30 mysql-community-server 29 php5 26 mozilla-kde4-integration 21 mariadb 21 freetype2 20 java-1_6_0-sun 18 wireshark 18 mozilla-xulrunner192 17 mysql-cluster 13 rubygem-actionpack-2_3 12 xen 11 rubygem-activerecord-2_3 10 rubygem-activesupport-2_3 10 puppet 10 libpng14
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