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====================================================================                   Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:          Low: sysstat security, bug fix, and enhancement update
Advisory ID:       RHSA-2011:1005-01
Product:           Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Advisory URL:      https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2011:1005.html
Issue date:        2011-07-21
CVE Names:         CVE-2007-3852 
1. Summary:

An updated sysstat package that fixes one security issue, various bugs, and
adds one enhancement is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.

The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having low
security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the CVE link in
the References section.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server) - i386, ia64, ppc, s390x, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client) - i386, x86_64

3. Description:

The sysstat package contains a set of utilities which enable system
monitoring of disks, network, and other I/O activity.

It was found that the sysstat initscript created a temporary file in an
insecure way. A local attacker could use this flaw to create arbitrary
files via a symbolic link attack. (CVE-2007-3852)

This update fixes the following bugs:

* On systems under heavy load, the sadc utility would sometimes output the
following error message if a write() call was unable to write all of the
requested input:

"Cannot write data to system activity file: Success."

In this updated package, the sadc utility tries to write the remaining
input, resolving this issue. (BZ#454617)

* On the Itanium architecture, the "sar -I" command provided incorrect
information about the interrupt statistics of the system. With this update,
the "sar -I" command has been disabled for this architecture, preventing
this bug. (BZ#468340)

* Previously, the "iostat -n" command used invalid data to create
statistics for read and write operations. With this update, the data source
for these statistics has been fixed, and the iostat utility now returns
correct information. (BZ#484439)

* The "sar -d" command used to output invalid data about block devices.
With this update, the sar utility recognizes disk registration and disk
overflow statistics properly, and only correct and relevant data is now
displayed. (BZ#517490)

* Previously, the sar utility set the maximum number of days to be logged
in one month too high. Consequently, data from a month was appended to
data from the preceding month. With this update, the maximum number of days
has been set to 25, and data from a month now correctly replaces data from
the preceding month. (BZ#578929)

* In previous versions of the iostat utility, the number of NFS mount
points was hard-coded. Consequently, various issues occurred while iostat
was running and NFS mount points were mounted or unmounted; certain values
in iostat reports overflowed and some mount points were not reported at
all. With this update, iostat properly recognizes when an NFS mount point
mounts or unmounts, fixing these issues. (BZ#675058, BZ#706095, BZ#694767)

* When a device name was longer than 13 characters, the iostat utility
printed a redundant new line character, making its output less readable.
This bug has been fixed and now, no extra characters are printed if a long
device name occurs in iostat output. (BZ#604637)

* Previously, if kernel interrupt counters overflowed, the sar utility
provided confusing output. This bug has been fixed and the sum of
interrupts is now reported correctly. (BZ#622557)

* When some processors were disabled on a multi-processor system, the sar
utility sometimes failed to provide information about the CPU activity.
With this update, the uptime of a single processor is used to compute the
statistics, rather than the total uptime of all processors, and this bug no
longer occurs. (BZ#630559)

* Previously, the mpstat utility wrongly interpreted data about processorsin the system. Consequently, it reported a processor that did not exist.
This bug has been fixed and non-existent CPUs are no longer reported by
mpstat. (BZ#579409)

* Previously, there was no easy way to enable the collection of statistics
about disks and interrupts. Now, the SADC_OPTIONS variable can be used to
set parameters for the sadc utility, fixing this bug. (BZ#598794)

* The read_uptime() function failed to close its open file upon exit. A
patch has been provided to fix this bug. (BZ#696672)

This update also adds the following enhancement:

* With this update, the cifsiostat utility has been added to the sysstat
package to provide CIFS (Common Internet File System) mount point I/O
statistics. (BZ#591530)

All sysstat users are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which
contains backported patches to correct these issues and add this

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously-released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via the Red Hat Network. Details on how to
use the Red Hat Network to apply this update are available at

5. Bugs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

251200 - CVE-2007-3852 sysstat insecure temporary file usage
454617 - [RHEL5] Though function write() executed sucessful, sadc end with an error.
484439 - iostat -n enhancement not report NFS client stats correctly
517490 - The 'sar -d ' command outputs invalid data
578929 - March sar data was appended to February data
579409 - The sysstat's programs such as mpstat shows one extra cpu.
598794 - Enable parametrization of sadc arguments
604637 - extraneous newline in iostat report for long device names
622557 - sar interrupt count goes backward
630559 - 'sar -P ALL -f xxxx ' does not display activity information.
675058 - iostat: bogus value appears when device is unmounted/mounted
694767 - iostat doesn't report statistics for shares with long names
696672 - Resource leak
706095 - iostat -n - values in output overflows

6. Package List:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client):




Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server):







These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security.  Our key and 
details on how to verify the signature are available from

7. References:


8. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is .  More contact
details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/

Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.4 (GNU/Linux)


Enterprise-watch-list mailing list

RedHat: RHSA-2011-1005:01 Low: sysstat security, bug fix,

An updated sysstat package that fixes one security issue, various bugs, and adds one enhancement is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5


The sysstat package contains a set of utilities which enable system monitoring of disks, network, and other I/O activity.
It was found that the sysstat initscript created a temporary file in an insecure way. A local attacker could use this flaw to create arbitrary files via a symbolic link attack. (CVE-2007-3852)
This update fixes the following bugs:
* On systems under heavy load, the sadc utility would sometimes output the following error message if a write() call was unable to write all of the requested input:
"Cannot write data to system activity file: Success."
In this updated package, the sadc utility tries to write the remaining input, resolving this issue. (BZ#454617)
* On the Itanium architecture, the "sar -I" command provided incorrect information about the interrupt statistics of the system. With this update, the "sar -I" command has been disabled for this architecture, preventing this bug. (BZ#468340)
* Previously, the "iostat -n" command used invalid data to create statistics for read and write operations. With this update, the data source for these statistics has been fixed, and the iostat utility now returns correct information. (BZ#484439)
* The "sar -d" command used to output invalid data about block devices. With this update, the sar utility recognizes disk registration and disk overflow statistics properly, and only correct and relevant data is now displayed. (BZ#517490)
* Previously, the sar utility set the maximum number of days to be logged in one month too high. Consequently, data from a month was appended to data from the preceding month. With this update, the maximum number of days has been set to 25, and data from a month now correctly replaces data from the preceding month. (BZ#578929)
* In previous versions of the iostat utility, the number of NFS mount points was hard-coded. Consequently, various issues occurred while iostat was running and NFS mount points were mounted or unmounted; certain values in iostat reports overflowed and some mount points were not reported at all. With this update, iostat properly recognizes when an NFS mount point mounts or unmounts, fixing these issues. (BZ#675058, BZ#706095, BZ#694767)
* When a device name was longer than 13 characters, the iostat utility printed a redundant new line character, making its output less readable. This bug has been fixed and now, no extra characters are printed if a long device name occurs in iostat output. (BZ#604637)
* Previously, if kernel interrupt counters overflowed, the sar utility provided confusing output. This bug has been fixed and the sum of interrupts is now reported correctly. (BZ#622557)
* When some processors were disabled on a multi-processor system, the sar utility sometimes failed to provide information about the CPU activity. With this update, the uptime of a single processor is used to compute the statistics, rather than the total uptime of all processors, and this bug no longer occurs. (BZ#630559)
* Previously, the mpstat utility wrongly interpreted data about processorsin the system. Consequently, it reported a processor that did not exist. This bug has been fixed and non-existent CPUs are no longer reported by mpstat. (BZ#579409)
* Previously, there was no easy way to enable the collection of statistics about disks and interrupts. Now, the SADC_OPTIONS variable can be used to set parameters for the sadc utility, fixing this bug. (BZ#598794)
* The read_uptime() function failed to close its open file upon exit. A patch has been provided to fix this bug. (BZ#696672)
This update also adds the following enhancement:
* With this update, the cifsiostat utility has been added to the sysstat package to provide CIFS (Common Internet File System) mount point I/O statistics. (BZ#591530)
All sysstat users are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which contains backported patches to correct these issues and add this enhancement.



Before applying this update, make sure all previously-released errata relevant to your system have been applied.
This update is available via the Red Hat Network. Details on how to use the Red Hat Network to apply this update are available at https://access.redhat.com/kb/docs/DOC-11259


https://www.redhat.com/security/data/cve/CVE-2007-3852.html https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/classification/#low

Package List

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client):
i386: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.i386.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.i386.rpm
x86_64: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.x86_64.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.x86_64.rpm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server):
i386: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.i386.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.i386.rpm
ia64: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.ia64.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.ia64.rpm
ppc: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.ppc.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.ppc.rpm
s390x: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.s390x.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.s390x.rpm
x86_64: sysstat-7.0.2-11.el5.x86_64.rpm sysstat-debuginfo-7.0.2-11.el5.x86_64.rpm
These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security. Our key and details on how to verify the signature are available from https://access.redhat.com/security/team/key/#package

Advisory ID: RHSA-2011:1005-01
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Advisory URL: https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2011:1005.html
Issued Date: : 2011-07-21
CVE Names: CVE-2007-3852


An updated sysstat package that fixes one security issue, various bugs, andadds one enhancement is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having lowsecurity impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the CVE link inthe References section.



Relevant Releases Architectures

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server) - i386, ia64, ppc, s390x, x86_64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client) - i386, x86_64

Bugs Fixed

251200 - CVE-2007-3852 sysstat insecure temporary file usage

454617 - [RHEL5] Though function write() executed sucessful, sadc end with an error.

484439 - iostat -n enhancement not report NFS client stats correctly

517490 - The 'sar -d ' command outputs invalid data

578929 - March sar data was appended to February data

579409 - The sysstat's programs such as mpstat shows one extra cpu.

598794 - Enable parametrization of sadc arguments

604637 - extraneous newline in iostat report for long device names

622557 - sar interrupt count goes backward

630559 - 'sar -P ALL -f xxxx ' does not display activity information.

675058 - iostat: bogus value appears when device is unmounted/mounted

694767 - iostat doesn't report statistics for shares with long names

696672 - Resource leak

706095 - iostat -n - values in output overflows

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