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====================================================================                   Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:          Important: CloudForms 4.6.2 bug fix and enhancement update
Advisory ID:       RHSA-2018:1328-01
Product:           Red Hat CloudForms
Advisory URL:      https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1328
Issue date:        2018-05-07
Cross references:  RHBA-2018:0556
CVE Names:         CVE-2018-1101 CVE-2018-1104 CVE-2018-7750 
1. Summary:

An update is now available for CloudForms Management Engine 5.9.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact
of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability
from the CVE link(s) in the References section.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

CloudForms Management Engine 5.9 - noarch, x86_64

3. Description:

Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine delivers the insight, control, and
automation needed to address the challenges of managing virtual
environments. CloudForms Management Engine is built on Ruby on Rails, a
model-view-controller (MVC) framework for web application development.
Action Pack implements the controller and the view components.

Security Fix(es):

* python-paramiko: Authentication bypass in transport.py (CVE-2018-7750)

* ansible-tower: Privilege escalation flaw allows for organization admins
to obtain system privileges (CVE-2018-1101)

Red Hat would like to thank Graham Mainwaring of Red Hat for reporting

* ansible-tower: Remote code execution by users with access to define
variables in job templates (CVE-2018-1104)

Red Hat would like to thank Simon Vikström for reporting CVE-2018-1104.

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS
score, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in
the References section.

Additional Changes:

This update also fixes several bugs and adds various enhancements.
Documentation for these changes is available from the Release Notes
document linked to in the References section.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

For details on how to apply this update, refer to:


5. Bugs fixed (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

1495849 - [ALL_LANG] VM or Template comparison screen has untranslated entries.
1510499 - With RHV Graph refresh template numbers in Provider inventory does not get updated correctly.
1526086 - [ALL_LANG] Compute - Containers - Container Builds page has missing translations
1526088 - [ALL_LANG] Compute - Containers - Pods page has missing translations
1530680 - xClarity: EvmRole-operator unable to view physical server summary page
1530760 - [ALL_LANG] Control - Explorer - Policy Profiles - All Policy Profiles : 'Policy' is not localized
1533220 - [ALL_LANG] Control - Explorer - Actions - All Actions - Configure - Add a new Action : 'Action Type' drop-down menu has untranslated entries
1533233 - On Tag Assignment  page Category has other Tags than preconfigured for it
1533515 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Configuration - Access Control - Roles : Add new Role has untranslated entries
1538094 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Tasks : untranslated entry
1538100 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Configuration - Settings - CFME Region: Region xx[xx] has untranslated entry
1549625 - webui updates failing when a proxy is required
1549722 - WebUI: Tool tip displays html code while setting the ownership for multiple vm's
1550728 - Replication configuration page does not open when child database is down
1550730 - [Ansible Embedded] - Embedded Ansible cannot be enabled on IPv6 only appliance
1550736 - unable to view quotas without manage quota permissoin being enabled in 5.8.2
1551692 - internal server error ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch when editing current_group
1551696 - Colons are unhandled in BaseModel key generation in AzureArmrest
1551698 - Not possible to configure GCE provider for new regions (southamerica-east1) on CFME
1551703 - RHOS: Unable to delete cloud tenant
1552266 - Duplicated choice exist in new alerts view
1552269 - Network router type string contains ManageIQ path
1552278 - Authentication issue for checking status of Task API via EvmRole_administrator privileged User
1552282 - [RFE] Make Automation State Machine Log Lines Uniform
1552288 - [RFE] Metrics for memory usage of AWS instances is missing from C&U
1552290 - AWS Smartstate Does Not Fail Gracefully if AMI To run Analysis Agent is Unavailable
1552301 - Azure Template to service Dialog conversion issue
1552303 - [Azure]Provision Multiple VMs with Public IP selection options
1552305 - GCE Region is useless in GCE Provider
1552323 - xClarity:  server-host relationship to hosts managed by RHEV-M provider not created.
1552334 - Nuage provider name is always displayed as " Network Manager" on GUI
1552335 - EventCatcher is not restarted when Nuage provider is updated
1552671 - [RFE][XS-2] Add possibility to unregister a VM in RHV provider
1552673 - Cloudforms doesn't show IP of vms on vCloud provider
1552677 - VM does not have deletion event on its own timeline on vsphere55
1552704 - Default Docker Labels for Labeled Images in Chargeback Assignments
1552707 - Wrong error displayed when trying to add a group without a name
1552723 - Can't Manage Report Menu Accordions and Folders1552735 - Filters not working properly in config mgmt configured systems
1552737 - UI: Broken bootstrapswitch design in custom button option of generic object
1552739 - [RFE] Expose Infra provider networks (RHOS) in host/node details
1552740 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Configuration - Settings - Schedules : Add a new Schedule page has untranslated entries
1552741 - Can't remove multiple instances or methods in UI.
1552743 - ui: Tabs switched When changing the System/Process type on add new button page
1552746 - typo in provider summary page: metrics type Hakular  Hawkular
1552748 - [Embedded Ansible] Notification typo
1552753 - CFME Log lines in Diagnostics are divided into multiple lines
1552762 - Error when applying a filter in My Services from Adv search
1552763 - Remove Chargeback Rates field for Metering reports
1552776 - Auth MIQLDAP AD - miqldap_to_sssd conversion fails for ldap.
1552782 - Smartstate on Azure Managed Linux Instance returns Unable to mount filesystem.  Reason:[XFS::DirectoryDataHeader: Invalid Magic Number 0]
1552783 - Unable to add playbook repos after webui update
1552785 - Auth MIQLDAP AD - Users can't log in to console after miqldap_to_sssd conversion
1552790 - Validating credentials for replication throws error if pglogical schema not created
1552791 - miqldap_to_sssd help message is incorrect
1552792 - Auth External Auth SAML - Users with custom groups with special chars can't log in.
1552794 - A control alert for real time performance of a VM and Instance is not firing
1552796 - [RFE] Chargeback reports for OpenStack tenants
1552798 - [Providers] - Instances not linked after provider removal/addition
1552800 - Retirement requester is not passed down correctly to automate
1552801 - RBAC doesn't work for notifications
1552802 - No notification for failed registration
1552804 - configure_server_settings.rb changes numeric values to strings, causing failures when other code is expecting integers1552809 - [RFE] Support RestAPI Primary Collection for Containers (object)
1552817 - SUI doesn't display costs for SCVMM services
1552824 - Can Add Duplicate Custom Attributes on OpenShift Provider Via the API
1552826 - internal server error when cloud_networks, cloud_subnets or security_groups subcolls requested on RHEVM
1552828 - internal server error when accessing attributes of the "picture" resource
1552838 - Targeted folder refresh doesn't work on VMware
1552842 - Customize vApp template prior provisioning (VMware vCloud Provider)
1552873 - RBAC Users can be removed from all associated groups after the webui shows the error "A User must be assigned to a Group"
1552879 - Tagging broken in Datastores and My Services page
1552880 - [RFE] There is no any indication in replication subscription screen for not accessible remote node
1552882 - The quad-icon tile for an OpenShift provider shows an exclamation mark, but a mouseover shows "Refresh Status: Success"
1552884 - Cursor on password field instead of username when we enter incorrect login details
1552886 - Unwanted comma in disk type string for Azure instances
1552889 - containers: identical volume name for different volumes in different pods is not useful for users (at least not admin)
1552890 - Tagging: Edit tags page doesn't open for network list items navigated through parent details page
1552895 - Error updating Nuage provider
1552900 - Title does not update when searching text in Datastores and other pages
1552903 - Automate tree in the left pane has duplicates following any copy operation (instance, class, namespace)
1552904 - The accordion folds after adding a schedule
1552908 - Add button is not responsive on Role add page
1553191 - Timelines: Throws an error while trying to access Cloud Intel/Timelines
1553197 - Configuration -> Red Hat Updates tab does not list all required repositories
1553214 - JavaScript-UI: Wrong behavior of `display on button` checkbox while editing custom group form
1553224 - Set Ownership can not be changed back to default
1553241 - Container add provider empty flash message when not catch UI exception
1553242 - Tag: All Catalog Items are listed in resource dropdown while creating Catalog Bundle using restricted user
1553243 - Save button isn't activated when date is removed in VM "Set/Remove retirement date"
1553244 - [QEDevCollab] Components in 'Add button group' form causing test automation failures
1553251 - Chargeback Rates page title incorrect after deleting rate
1553288 - Flash message icon is not correct Bottlenecks page
1553295 - Unable to perform SSA if Vm storage is fileshare on SCVMM and throws error in evm.log
1553304 - Evacuate Host failed
1553307 - Undefined method `vmm_version' for nil:NilClass on VM summary screen
1553309 - [RFE] Generic objects not displayed
1553311 - Wrong 'Fixed IPs' font size while adding a router with external gateway
1553315 - C & U Collection settings in configuration page improper styling
1553316 - On schedules pages is shown pagination from analysis profiles
1553317 - Broken footer in alerts
1553319 - [RFE][S-3] UI displays disabled domains for a instance's domain priority
1553322 - audit.log should not contain translated messages
1553323 - Adding Interface to Router with user in Tenant show all Subnets and not only the Tenant's Subnet
1553326 - Switch icon is missed on tag assignment page
1553327 - Stack Outputs icon is not displayed
1553329 - Using webmks console one cannot type correctly the password when it contains special characters1553336 - Default view settings fails for service catalogs
1553340 - [CONDITION] When we leave description blank, there are two identical flash messages.
1553345 - Openstack infra provider dashboard should not appear for an openstack infra provider
1553362 - Add miqssh utilities
1553384 - [RHV] VM Reconfigure: Down VM Memory increase fail on cannot exceed maximum memory
1553389 - VMware vCloud Provider's VM is only partially stopped/suspended
1553392 - EvmRole-auditor can perform actions on VM
1553393 - [RFE] Add RBAC and Tagging Support to Ansible Credentials.
1553396 - [RFE] Add RBAC and Tagging Support to Ansible Repos
1553397 - Error while checking that migrations are up to date
1553399 - Normalize text for operational alerts
1553480 - SUI : Clicking any link on dashboard does not change the navigation in left side
1553482 - Kebab menu appearing differently on service page and resource detail pages
1553483 - Kebab menu changes structure after 30 seconds in SSUI resource detail page
1553768 - [RFE] Add RBAC and Tagging Support to Ansible Playbooks
1553776 - Role inconsistency with privileges when creating reports and setting chargeback filters1553779 - Restricted user can see all group and users1553780 - notifications do not get cleared from the notification table
1553789 - Unable to add tag for configuration provider from 'All Rad Hat Satellites Providers'
1553791 - xClarity: Physical server summary page download as PDF button not supported
1553836 - Visibility expression does not evaluated correctly on custom buttons for Generic Object
1553873 - Missing Datastore Images
1553903 - [Regression] Backup/restore failing on appliances using pglogical
1554358 - Graph refresh should not be used for rhv36 providers1554370 - Wrong breadcrumb link on order screen
1554454 - Adding a physical provider shows as infrastructure provider (text change)
1554532 - Schedule report fails to send mail when report is not empty
1554541 - Long time to refresh network provider on OpenStack
1554823 - Infinite spinner on Edit Playbook Reset button
1554825 - NTP server details doesn't show in UI after adding a new zone
1554832 - Automatic placement causes cloud tenant to not be selectable
1554839 - Policy simulation results are not displayed
1554889 - OpenStack Cinder Storage provider detail does not have link to Volume Backups
1554898 - when deleting an archived node using configure > remove a unknown method error is raised
1554901 - Missing Guest OS in dashboard reports in Openstack
1557130 - CVE-2018-7750 python-paramiko: Authentication bypass in transport.py
1557353 - Adding a network router via CloudForms the router is not seen by CloudForms
1557361 - [RFE][XS-2]Cloudforms does not show node hostname, only GUID for OpenStack Infrastructure Provider
1557367 - Request not required when adding Schedule
1557378 - [UI] There is no indication of cloud network delete operation
1557380 - Tagging: Edit tags page doesn't open for images opened from provider summary page
1557388 - Inconsistent capitalization of 'CPU' when creating chargeback rate
1557391 - Physical Infrastructure provider quadicons doesn't support single view
1557400 - Physical server quadicon switch under My Settings doesn't respect RBAC rules
1558030 - internal server error when accessing the "policy_events" attribute of the "vms" resource
1558038 - AWS flavor list is out of date
1558040 - Not able to scan instances in AWS
1558046 - OpenStack - Include Provider Error Message in MiqProvisionFailure
1558048 - Provision fails if no Subnet assigned not Cloud Network
1558078 - [RFE][M-5] Targeted Refresh for Azure Provider
1558092 - Dropdown to delete a "not responding" server is missing
1558142 - Network provider quadicons doesn't support single view
1558144 - UI inconsistency - Size Unit title missing when adding a new disk
1558544 - Creating buttons under the Datastore objects do not appear on Datastore Details Pages
1558594 - No event AWS_EC2_Instance_UPDATE  when renaming a VM on EC2
1558610 - Images from the webmks css causes CSP errors in browser console
1558621 - RedHat domain can be edited/deleted
1558626 - PG::InvalidTableDefinition: ERROR:  cannot alter inherited column "resource_type
1559475 - CUI returning empty array when dialog without associations is saved
1559479 - [RFE] Add RHV Credential to Ansible Automation Inside
1559483 - CUI doesn't check dialog field associations
1559543 - [RFE] Metering Reports should provide Hours of Existence & Start and end time of VMs, Projects and Images
1559544 - [RFE] Collect Container Project Quota Historical data in Project Roll-up
1559550 - Regression Instance Method check_quota Throws Error 5.8.2 to 5.8.3 undefined method provisioned_storage
1559552 - Api::ServiceCatalogsController timeout error in multi-regional environment
1559609 - Amazon agent deployment has to choose the VPC which has attached gateway configuration
1559624 - Graph refresh does not fetch custom attributes
1560004 - [RFE] SCVMM provider refresh error message issue if provider user doesn't have access to VMM service
1560096 - Error occurs when trying to edit a catalog item
1560098 - Outgoing SMTP E-mail Server settings not saved on first attempt
1560100 - Total matches of Ems Cluster roles showing wrong count
1560104 - Automate Schedule: "Starting time" field saves nonsense.
1560692 - Stop CF pestering OpenStack for Swift status when there is no Swift.
1560699 - Consolidated RefreshWorkers may cause job starvation
1560703 - Refresh is broken for ec2 when get_public_images is set to true
1560708 - My Company(All EVM Groups) filter missing from reports schedule
1561076 - Duplicate RBAC Role and Group names allowed when using different capitalization from the original name
1561079 - [Regression]Error with report policy event for the last 7 days
1561085 - [RFE] Azure Network router not displayed on CFMe
1561091 - List view displayed instead of grid on Manage Policies screen
1561096 - Default selected tag name / value mismatch when assigning tags
1561107 - ERROR -- : AnsibleTowerClient::Middleware::RaiseTowerError Response Body: {"detail"=>["'username' is not a valid field for Vault"]}
1561216 - Failure to refresh on OpenStack provider when Fog::Storage::OpenStack::File object has nil body attribute
1561218 - [RHV] PXE provision with Network "use template nics" fail on creating VM
1561222 - ping feature inconsistent with webui ping when database connectivity is lost
1562075 - Duplicate values are shown in dialog dropdown.
1562235 - Nics are Provisioned out of Order for VMware Service Provision
1562772 - tenant source_id compromisation after changing provider credentials
1562777 - Approval permissions are not followed between different groups
1562779 - Cannot create service template using the API
1562780 - [SCVMM]Extract Running Processes completed Task List does not inform about Warnings.
1562782 - A state machine's on_exit method runs before the main method if the main method is an embedded Ansible playbook
1562785 - Refresh failed after performing vm_reconfiguration_task
1562788 - [Regression] RHV provider discovery doesn't work
1562791 - Database Replication broken for current and new regions
1562797 - CFME - usage of non standard special characters (e.g. accents) in password causes user is not able to login
1562800 - Schedule Operation: Cannot create schedule, "Add" button is not active
1562803 - [RFE] CFME, add Ansible GIT repository custom SSH port option
1562811 - No Advanced Search in Volume Snapshots/Backups
1563268 - CloudForms appliance is ignoring azure proxy settings in advanced tab.
1563351 - Nuage provider is unable to refresh inventory when subnets are missing gateway address
1563358 - Nuage Networks provider does not handle empty AMQP details
1563359 - Nuage Provider doesn't capture Alarms
1563361 - Nuage provider's event catcher yields "Too many open files" after 9 hours1563363 - VMware vCloud Provider's inventoring fails because of bug in Disk parsing
1563364 - Support console access for VMware vCloud Provider's VMs
1563492 - CVE-2018-1101 ansible-tower: Privilege escalation flaw allows for organization admins to obtain system privileges
1563731 - in the conditions screen you see "Container Node" on the left but "Node" on the right
1563740 - ReconfigVM Event triggers a refresh_sync Holding Automate Process in State Machine
1565139 - Some expression method definitions can fail with "



RedHat: RHSA-2018-1328:01 Important: CloudForms 4.6.2 bug fix and

An update is now available for CloudForms Management Engine 5.9


Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine delivers the insight, control, and automation needed to address the challenges of managing virtual environments. CloudForms Management Engine is built on Ruby on Rails, a model-view-controller (MVC) framework for web application development. Action Pack implements the controller and the view components.
Security Fix(es):
* python-paramiko: Authentication bypass in transport.py (CVE-2018-7750)
* ansible-tower: Privilege escalation flaw allows for organization admins to obtain system privileges (CVE-2018-1101)
Red Hat would like to thank Graham Mainwaring of Red Hat for reporting CVE-2018-1101.
* ansible-tower: Remote code execution by users with access to define variables in job templates (CVE-2018-1104)
Red Hat would like to thank Simon Vikström for reporting CVE-2018-1104.
For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.
Additional Changes:
This update also fixes several bugs and adds various enhancements. Documentation for these changes is available from the Release Notes document linked to in the References section.



Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata relevant to your system have been applied.
For details on how to apply this update, refer to:


https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2018-1101 https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2018-1104 https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2018-7750 https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/classification/#important

Package List

CloudForms Management Engine 5.9:
Source: ansible- ansible-tower-3.2.4-1.el7at.src.rpm cfme- cfme-amazon-smartstate- cfme-appliance- cfme-gemset- dbus-api-service-1.0.1-3.el7cf.src.rpm httpd-configmap-generator-0.2.1-2.el7cf.src.rpm postgresql96-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.src.rpm python-paramiko-2.1.1-4.el7.src.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-json-2.1.0-1.el7cf.src.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-qpid_proton-0.22.0-2.el7cf.src.rpm
noarch: ansible- ansible-doc- python-paramiko-2.1.1-4.el7.noarch.rpm python-paramiko-doc-2.1.1-4.el7.noarch.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-qpid_proton-doc-0.22.0-2.el7cf.noarch.rpm
x86_64: ansible-tower-3.2.4-1.el7at.x86_64.rpm ansible-tower-server-3.2.4-1.el7at.x86_64.rpm ansible-tower-setup-3.2.4-1.el7at.x86_64.rpm ansible-tower-ui-3.2.4-1.el7at.x86_64.rpm ansible-tower-venv-ansible-3.2.4-1.el7at.x86_64.rpm ansible-tower-venv-tower-3.2.4-1.el7at.x86_64.rpm cfme- cfme-amazon-smartstate- cfme-appliance- cfme-appliance-common- cfme-appliance-debuginfo- cfme-appliance-tools- cfme-debuginfo- cfme-gemset- cfme-gemset-debuginfo- dbus-api-service-1.0.1-3.el7cf.x86_64.rpm httpd-configmap-generator-0.2.1-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-contrib-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-debuginfo-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-devel-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-docs-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-libs-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-plperl-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-plpython-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-pltcl-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-server-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm postgresql96-test-9.6.6-1PGDG.el7.x86_64.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-json-2.1.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-json-debuginfo-2.1.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-json-doc-2.1.0-1.el7cf.x86_64.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-qpid_proton-0.22.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm rh-ruby23-rubygem-qpid_proton-debuginfo-0.22.0-2.el7cf.x86_64.rpm
These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security. Our key and details on how to verify the signature are available from https://access.redhat.com/security/team/key/

Advisory ID: RHSA-2018:1328-01
Product: Red Hat CloudForms
Advisory URL: https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1328
Issued Date: : 2018-05-07
Cross references: RHBA-2018:0556
CVE Names: CVE-2018-1101 CVE-2018-1104 CVE-2018-7750


An update is now available for CloudForms Management Engine 5.9.Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impactof Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerabilityfrom the CVE link(s) in the References section.



Relevant Releases Architectures

CloudForms Management Engine 5.9 - noarch, x86_64

Bugs Fixed

1495849 - [ALL_LANG] VM or Template comparison screen has untranslated entries.

1510499 - With RHV Graph refresh template numbers in Provider inventory does not get updated correctly.

1526086 - [ALL_LANG] Compute - Containers - Container Builds page has missing translations

1526088 - [ALL_LANG] Compute - Containers - Pods page has missing translations

1530680 - xClarity: EvmRole-operator unable to view physical server summary page

1530760 - [ALL_LANG] Control - Explorer - Policy Profiles - All Policy Profiles : 'Policy' is not localized

1533220 - [ALL_LANG] Control - Explorer - Actions - All Actions - Configure - Add a new Action : 'Action Type' drop-down menu has untranslated entries

1533233 - On Tag Assignment page Category has other Tags than preconfigured for it

1533515 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Configuration - Access Control - Roles : Add new Role has untranslated entries

1538094 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Tasks : untranslated entry

1538100 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Configuration - Settings - CFME Region: Region xx[xx] has untranslated entry

1549625 - webui updates failing when a proxy is required

1549722 - WebUI: Tool tip displays html code while setting the ownership for multiple vm's

1550728 - Replication configuration page does not open when child database is down

1550730 - [Ansible Embedded] - Embedded Ansible cannot be enabled on IPv6 only appliance

1550736 - unable to view quotas without manage quota permissoin being enabled in 5.8.2

1551692 - internal server error ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch when editing current_group

1551696 - Colons are unhandled in BaseModel key generation in AzureArmrest

1551698 - Not possible to configure GCE provider for new regions (southamerica-east1) on CFME

1551703 - RHOS: Unable to delete cloud tenant

1552266 - Duplicated choice exist in new alerts view

1552269 - Network router type string contains ManageIQ path

1552278 - Authentication issue for checking status of Task API via EvmRole_administrator privileged User

1552282 - [RFE] Make Automation State Machine Log Lines Uniform

1552288 - [RFE] Metrics for memory usage of AWS instances is missing from C&U

1552290 - AWS Smartstate Does Not Fail Gracefully if AMI To run Analysis Agent is Unavailable

1552301 - Azure Template to service Dialog conversion issue

1552303 - [Azure]Provision Multiple VMs with Public IP selection options

1552305 - GCE Region is useless in GCE Provider

1552323 - xClarity: server-host relationship to hosts managed by RHEV-M provider not created.

1552334 - Nuage provider name is always displayed as " Network Manager" on GUI

1552335 - EventCatcher is not restarted when Nuage provider is updated

1552671 - [RFE][XS-2] Add possibility to unregister a VM in RHV provider

1552673 - Cloudforms doesn't show IP of vms on vCloud provider

1552677 - VM does not have deletion event on its own timeline on vsphere55

1552704 - Default Docker Labels for Labeled Images in Chargeback Assignments

1552707 - Wrong error displayed when trying to add a group without a name

1552723 - Can't Manage Report Menu Accordions and Folders1552735 - Filters not working properly in config mgmt configured systems

1552737 - UI: Broken bootstrapswitch design in custom button option of generic object

1552739 - [RFE] Expose Infra provider networks (RHOS) in host/node details

1552740 - [ALL_LANG] User Icon - Configuration - Settings - Schedules : Add a new Schedule page has untranslated entries

1552741 - Can't remove multiple instances or methods in UI.

1552743 - ui: Tabs switched When changing the System/Process type on add new button page

1552746 - typo in provider summary page: metrics type Hakular Hawkular

1552748 - [Embedded Ansible] Notification typo

1552753 - CFME Log lines in Diagnostics are divided into multiple lines

1552762 - Error when applying a filter in My Services from Adv search

1552763 - Remove Chargeback Rates field for Metering reports

1552776 - Auth MIQLDAP AD - miqldap_to_sssd conversion fails for ldap.

1552782 - Smartstate on Azure Managed Linux Instance returns Unable to mount filesystem. Reason:[XFS::DirectoryDataHeader: Invalid Magic Number 0]

1552783 - Unable to add playbook repos after webui update

1552785 - Auth MIQLDAP AD - Users can't log in to console after miqldap_to_sssd conversion

1552790 - Validating credentials for replication throws error if pglogical schema not created

1552791 - miqldap_to_sssd help message is incorrect

1552792 - Auth External Auth SAML - Users with custom groups with special chars can't log in.

1552794 - A control alert for real time performance of a VM and Instance is not firing

1552796 - [RFE] Chargeback reports for OpenStack tenants

1552798 - [Providers] - Instances not linked after provider removal/addition

1552800 - Retirement requester is not passed down correctly to automate

1552801 - RBAC doesn't work for notifications

1552802 - No notification for failed registration

1552804 - configure_server_settings.rb changes numeric values to strings, causing failures when other code is expecting integers1552809 - [RFE] Support RestAPI Primary Collection for Containers (object)

1552817 - SUI doesn't display costs for SCVMM services

1552824 - Can Add Duplicate Custom Attributes on OpenShift Provider Via the API

1552826 - internal server error when cloud_networks, cloud_subnets or security_groups subcolls requested on RHEVM

1552828 - internal server error when accessing attributes of the "picture" resource

1552838 - Targeted folder refresh doesn't work on VMware

1552842 - Customize vApp template prior provisioning (VMware vCloud Provider)

1552873 - RBAC Users can be removed from all associated groups after the webui shows the error "A User must be assigned to a Group"

1552879 - Tagging broken in Datastores and My Services page

1552880 - [RFE] There is no any indication in replication subscription screen for not accessible remote node

1552882 - The quad-icon tile for an OpenShift provider shows an exclamation mark, but a mouseover shows "Refresh Status: Success"

1552884 - Cursor on password field instead of username when we enter incorrect login details

1552886 - Unwanted comma in disk type string for Azure instances

1552889 - containers: identical volume name for different volumes in different pods is not useful for users (at least not admin)

1552890 - Tagging: Edit tags page doesn't open for network list items navigated through parent details page

1552895 - Error updating Nuage provider

1552900 - Title does not update when searching text in Datastores and other pages

1552903 - Automate tree in the left pane has duplicates following any copy operation (instance, class, namespace)

1552904 - The accordion folds after adding a schedule

1552908 - Add button is not responsive on Role add page

1553191 - Timelines: Throws an error while trying to access Cloud Intel/Timelines

1553197 - Configuration -> Red Hat Updates tab does not list all required repositories

1553214 - JavaScript-UI: Wrong behavior of `display on button` checkbox while editing custom group form

1553224 - Set Ownership can not be changed back to default

1553241 - Container add provider empty flash message when not catch UI exception

1553242 - Tag: All Catalog Items are listed in resource dropdown while creating Catalog Bundle using restricted user

1553243 - Save button isn't activated when date is removed in VM "Set/Remove retirement date"

1553244 - [QEDevCollab] Components in 'Add button group' form causing test automation failures

1553251 - Chargeback Rates page title incorrect after deleting rate

1553288 - Flash message icon is not correct Bottlenecks page

1553295 - Unable to perform SSA if Vm storage is fileshare on SCVMM and throws error in evm.log

1553304 - Evacuate Host failed

1553307 - Undefined method `vmm_version' for nil:NilClass on VM summary screen

1553309 - [RFE] Generic objects not displayed

1553311 - Wrong 'Fixed IPs' font size while adding a router with external gateway

1553315 - C & U Collection settings in configuration page improper styling

1553316 - On schedules pages is shown pagination from analysis profiles

1553317 - Broken footer in alerts

1553319 - [RFE][S-3] UI displays disabled domains for a instance's domain priority

1553322 - audit.log should not contain translated messages

1553323 - Adding Interface to Router with user in Tenant show all Subnets and not only the Tenant's Subnet

1553326 - Switch icon is missed on tag assignment page

1553327 - Stack Outputs icon is not displayed

1553329 - Using webmks console one cannot type correctly the password when it contains special characters1553336 - Default view settings fails for service catalogs

1553340 - [CONDITION] When we leave description blank, there are two identical flash messages.

1553345 - Openstack infra provider dashboard should not appear for an openstack infra provider

1553362 - Add miqssh utilities

1553384 - [RHV] VM Reconfigure: Down VM Memory increase fail on cannot exceed maximum memory

1553389 - VMware vCloud Provider's VM is only partially stopped/suspended

1553392 - EvmRole-auditor can perform actions on VM

1553393 - [RFE] Add RBAC and Tagging Support to Ansible Credentials.

1553396 - [RFE] Add RBAC and Tagging Support to Ansible Repos

1553397 - Error while checking that migrations are up to date

1553399 - Normalize text for operational alerts

1553480 - SUI : Clicking any link on dashboard does not change the navigation in left side

1553482 - Kebab menu appearing differently on service page and resource detail pages

1553483 - Kebab menu changes structure after 30 seconds in SSUI resource detail page

1553768 - [RFE] Add RBAC and Tagging Support to Ansible Playbooks

1553776 - Role inconsistency with privileges when creating reports and setting chargeback filters1553779 - Restricted user can see all group and users1553780 - notifications do not get cleared from the notification table

1553789 - Unable to add tag for configuration provider from 'All Rad Hat Satellites Providers'

1553791 - xClarity: Physical server summary page download as PDF button not supported

1553836 - Visibility expression does not evaluated correctly on custom buttons for Generic Object

1553873 - Missing Datastore Images

1553903 - [Regression] Backup/restore failing on appliances using pglogical

1554358 - Graph refresh should not be used for rhv36 providers1554370 - Wrong breadcrumb link on order screen

1554454 - Adding a physical provider shows as infrastructure provider (text change)

1554532 - Schedule report fails to send mail when report is not empty

1554541 - Long time to refresh network provider on OpenStack

1554823 - Infinite spinner on Edit Playbook Reset button

1554825 - NTP server details doesn't show in UI after adding a new zone

1554832 - Automatic placement causes cloud tenant to not be selectable

1554839 - Policy simulation results are not displayed

1554889 - OpenStack Cinder Storage provider detail does not have link to Volume Backups

1554898 - when deleting an archived node using configure > remove a unknown method error is raised

1554901 - Missing Guest OS in dashboard reports in Openstack

1557130 - CVE-2018-7750 python-paramiko: Authentication bypass in transport.py

1557353 - Adding a network router via CloudForms the router is not seen by CloudForms

1557361 - [RFE][XS-2]Cloudforms does not show node hostname, only GUID for OpenStack Infrastructure Provider

1557367 - Request not required when adding Schedule

1557378 - [UI] There is no indication of cloud network delete operation

1557380 - Tagging: Edit tags page doesn't open for images opened from provider summary page

1557388 - Inconsistent capitalization of 'CPU' when creating chargeback rate

1557391 - Physical Infrastructure provider quadicons doesn't support single view

1557400 - Physical server quadicon switch under My Settings doesn't respect RBAC rules

1558030 - internal server error when accessing the "policy_events" attribute of the "vms" resource

1558038 - AWS flavor list is out of date

1558040 - Not able to scan instances in AWS

1558046 - OpenStack - Include Provider Error Message in MiqProvisionFailure

1558048 - Provision fails if no Subnet assigned not Cloud Network

1558078 - [RFE][M-5] Targeted Refresh for Azure Provider

1558092 - Dropdown to delete a "not responding" server is missing

1558142 - Network provider quadicons doesn't support single view

1558144 - UI inconsistency - Size Unit title missing when adding a new disk

1558544 - Creating buttons under the Datastore objects do not appear on Datastore Details Pages

1558594 - No event AWS_EC2_Instance_UPDATE when renaming a VM on EC2

1558610 - Images from the webmks css causes CSP errors in browser console

1558621 - RedHat domain can be edited/deleted

1558626 - PG::InvalidTableDefinition: ERROR: cannot alter inherited column "resource_type

1559475 - CUI returning empty array when dialog without associations is saved

1559479 - [RFE] Add RHV Credential to Ansible Automation Inside

1559483 - CUI doesn't check dialog field associations

1559543 - [RFE] Metering Reports should provide Hours of Existence & Start and end time of VMs, Projects and Images

1559544 - [RFE] Collect Container Project Quota Historical data in Project Roll-up

1559550 - Regression Instance Method check_quota Throws Error 5.8.2 to 5.8.3 undefined method provisioned_storage

1559552 - Api::ServiceCatalogsController timeout error in multi-regional environment

1559609 - Amazon agent deployment has to choose the VPC which has attached gateway configuration

1559624 - Graph refresh does not fetch custom attributes

1560004 - [RFE] SCVMM provider refresh error message issue if provider user doesn't have access to VMM service

1560096 - Error occurs when trying to edit a catalog item

1560098 - Outgoing SMTP E-mail Server settings not saved on first attempt

1560100 - Total matches of Ems Cluster roles showing wrong count

1560104 - Automate Schedule: "Starting time" field saves nonsense.

1560692 - Stop CF pestering OpenStack for Swift status when there is no Swift.

1560699 - Consolidated RefreshWorkers may cause job starvation

1560703 - Refresh is broken for ec2 when get_public_images is set to true

1560708 - My Company(All EVM Groups) filter missing from reports schedule

1561076 - Duplicate RBAC Role and Group names allowed when using different capitalization from the original name

1561079 - [Regression]Error with report policy event for the last 7 days

1561085 - [RFE] Azure Network router not displayed on CFMe

1561091 - List view displayed instead of grid on Manage Policies screen

1561096 - Default selected tag name / value mismatch when assigning tags

1561107 - ERROR -- : AnsibleTowerClient::Middleware::RaiseTowerError Response Body: {"detail"=>["'username' is not a valid field for Vault"]}

1561216 - Failure to refresh on OpenStack provider when Fog::Storage::OpenStack::File object has nil body attribute

1561218 - [RHV] PXE provision with Network "use template nics" fail on creating VM

1561222 - ping feature inconsistent with webui ping when database connectivity is lost

1562075 - Duplicate values are shown in dialog dropdown.

1562235 - Nics are Provisioned out of Order for VMware Service Provision

1562772 - tenant source_id compromisation after changing provider credentials

1562777 - Approval permissions are not followed between different groups

1562779 - Cannot create service template using the API

1562780 - [SCVMM]Extract Running Processes completed Task List does not inform about Warnings.

1562782 - A state machine's on_exit method runs before the main method if the main method is an embedded Ansible playbook

1562785 - Refresh failed after performing vm_reconfiguration_task

1562788 - [Regression] RHV provider discovery doesn't work

1562791 - Database Replication broken for current and new regions

1562797 - CFME - usage of non standard special characters (e.g. accents) in password causes user is not able to login

1562800 - Schedule Operation: Cannot create schedule, "Add" button is not active

1562803 - [RFE] CFME, add Ansible GIT repository custom SSH port option

1562811 - No Advanced Search in Volume Snapshots/Backups

1563268 - CloudForms appliance is ignoring azure proxy settings in advanced tab.

1563351 - Nuage provider is unable to refresh inventory when subnets are missing gateway address

1563358 - Nuage Networks provider does not handle empty AMQP details

1563359 - Nuage Provider doesn't capture Alarms

1563361 - Nuage provider's event catcher yields "Too many open files" after 9 hours1563363 - VMware vCloud Provider's inventoring fails because of bug in Disk parsing

1563364 - Support console access for VMware vCloud Provider's VMs

1563492 - CVE-2018-1101 ansible-tower: Privilege escalation flaw allows for organization admins to obtain system privileges

1563731 - in the conditions screen you see "Container Node" on the left but "Node" on the right

1563740 - ReconfigVM Event triggers a refresh_sync Holding Automate Process in State Machine

1565139 - Some expression method definitions can fail with "