Hash: SHA1

[slackware-security]  bind (SSA:2014-175-01)

New bind packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,
and -current to fix security issues.

Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz:  Upgraded.
  This fixes security issues and other bugs.  Please note that the first
  CVE only affects Windows, and the second one was claimed to be fixed by
  an earlier version of BIND.  But we'll update anyway just in case.  :-)
  For more information, see:
  (* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab
(https://osuosl.org/) for donating FTP and rsync hosting
to the Slackware project!  :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://www.slackware.com/ for
additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware 13.37:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.37:

Updated package for Slackware 14.0:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 14.0:

Updated package for Slackware 14.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 14.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 13.0 package:
68c347027ac6ce76dffa0812bf5cba92  bind-9.8.7_P1-i486-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.0 package:
513cf5eca63726b3d25415b541292748  bind-9.8.7_P1-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware 13.1 package:
859959231b9fd16872a81c0160b77ddb  bind-9.8.7_P1-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
fb2de1c5f593b19549b3d2de13d6fbdd  bind-9.8.7_P1-x86_64-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware 13.37 package:
2b31ddca74fe5a34c6a4618e68d47318  bind-9.8.7_P1-i486-1_slack13.37.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.37 package:
5d2f7205a31006ca2c03f0ef89b0d8f3  bind-9.8.7_P1-x86_64-1_slack13.37.txz

Slackware 14.0 package:
aa3435f95524c2203169a5fd52bfa72c  bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.0.txz

Slackware x86_64 14.0 package:
9899fae00a73c1bd2fe798dc21839fa3  bind-9.9.5_P1-x86_64-1_slack14.0.txz

Slackware 14.1 package:
a1598e727c87f55cd249ec5f4ef12c36  bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz

Slackware x86_64 14.1 package:
f908655cd6bb3e9894b77fb814efd706  bind-9.9.5_P1-x86_64-1_slack14.1.txz

Slackware -current package:
9c0c516579affda8a63a90c9f5b8df30  n/bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 -current package:
7eb5432da1619a9a1172d73896e8fb9b  n/bind-9.9.5_P1-x86_64-1.txz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz

Then, restart the name server:

# /etc/rc.d/rc.bind restart


Slackware: 2014-175-01: bind Security Update

June 24, 2014
New bind packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1, and -current to fix security issues


Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog: patches/packages/bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded. This fixes security issues and other bugs. Please note that the first CVE only affects Windows, and the second one was claimed to be fixed by an earlier version of BIND. But we'll update anyway just in case. :-) For more information, see: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6230 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0591 (* Security fix *)

Where Find New Packages

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (https://osuosl.org/) for donating FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)
Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://www.slackware.com/ for additional mirror sites near you.
Updated package for Slackware 13.0:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.0:
Updated package for Slackware 13.1:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:
Updated package for Slackware 13.37:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.37:
Updated package for Slackware 14.0:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 14.0:
Updated package for Slackware 14.1:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 14.1:
Updated package for Slackware -current:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 Signatures

Slackware 13.0 package: 68c347027ac6ce76dffa0812bf5cba92 bind-9.8.7_P1-i486-1_slack13.0.txz
Slackware x86_64 13.0 package: 513cf5eca63726b3d25415b541292748 bind-9.8.7_P1-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz
Slackware 13.1 package: 859959231b9fd16872a81c0160b77ddb bind-9.8.7_P1-i486-1_slack13.1.txz
Slackware x86_64 13.1 package: fb2de1c5f593b19549b3d2de13d6fbdd bind-9.8.7_P1-x86_64-1_slack13.1.txz
Slackware 13.37 package: 2b31ddca74fe5a34c6a4618e68d47318 bind-9.8.7_P1-i486-1_slack13.37.txz
Slackware x86_64 13.37 package: 5d2f7205a31006ca2c03f0ef89b0d8f3 bind-9.8.7_P1-x86_64-1_slack13.37.txz
Slackware 14.0 package: aa3435f95524c2203169a5fd52bfa72c bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.0.txz
Slackware x86_64 14.0 package: 9899fae00a73c1bd2fe798dc21839fa3 bind-9.9.5_P1-x86_64-1_slack14.0.txz
Slackware 14.1 package: a1598e727c87f55cd249ec5f4ef12c36 bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz
Slackware x86_64 14.1 package: f908655cd6bb3e9894b77fb814efd706 bind-9.9.5_P1-x86_64-1_slack14.1.txz
Slackware -current package: 9c0c516579affda8a63a90c9f5b8df30 n/bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1.txz
Slackware x86_64 -current package: 7eb5432da1619a9a1172d73896e8fb9b n/bind-9.9.5_P1-x86_64-1.txz

[slackware-security] bind (SSA:2014-175-01)
New bind packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1, and -current to fix security issues.

Installation Instructions

Installation instructions: Upgrade the package as root: # upgradepkg bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz Then, restart the name server: # /etc/rc.d/rc.bind restart

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