SUSE Container Update Advisory: bci/python
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2022:1812-1
Container Tags        : bci/python:3 , bci/python:3.9 , bci/python:3.9-18.55
Container Release     : 18.55
Severity              : moderate
Type                  : security
References            : 1198627 CVE-2022-29458 

The container bci/python was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2022:2717-1
Released:    Tue Aug  9 12:54:16 2022
Summary:     Security update for ncurses
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1198627,CVE-2022-29458
This update for ncurses fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2022-29458: Fixed segfaulting out-of-bounds read in convert_strings in tinfo/read_entry.c (bsc#1198627).

The following package changes have been done:

- libncurses6-6.1-150000.5.12.1 updated
- ncurses-utils-6.1-150000.5.12.1 updated
- terminfo-base-6.1-150000.5.12.1 updated
- container:sles15-image-15.0.0-17.20.12 updated

SUSE: 2022:1812-1 bci/python Security Update

August 10, 2022
The container bci/python was updated


Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2022:2717-1 Released: Tue Aug 9 12:54:16 2022 Summary: Security update for ncurses Type: security Severity: moderate


References : 1198627 CVE-2022-29458


This update for ncurses fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2022-29458: Fixed segfaulting out-of-bounds read in convert_strings in tinfo/read_entry.c (bsc#1198627).

The following package changes have been done:

- libncurses6-6.1-150000.5.12.1 updated

- ncurses-utils-6.1-150000.5.12.1 updated

- terminfo-base-6.1-150000.5.12.1 updated

- container:sles15-image-15.0.0-17.20.12 updated

Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2022:1812-1
Container Tags : bci/python:3 , bci/python:3.9 , bci/python:3.9-18.55
Container Release : 18.55
Severity : moderate
Type : security

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