SUSE Container Update Advisory: suse/pcp
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2022:2296-1
Container Tags        : suse/pcp:5 , suse/pcp:5.2 , suse/pcp:5.2.2 , suse/pcp:5.2.2-10.36 , suse/pcp:latest
Container Release     : 10.36
Severity              : important
Type                  : security
References            : 1189802 1195773 1201680 1201783 CVE-2021-36690 CVE-2021-46828

The container suse/pcp was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2022:3305-1
Released:    Mon Sep 19 11:45:57 2022
Summary:     Security update for libtirpc
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1201680,CVE-2021-46828
This update for libtirpc fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2021-46828: Fixed denial of service vulnerability with lots of connections (bsc#1201680).

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2022:3307-1
Released:    Mon Sep 19 13:26:51 2022
Summary:     Security update for sqlite3
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1189802,1195773,1201783,CVE-2021-36690,CVE-2022-35737
This update for sqlite3 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2022-35737: Fixed an array-bounds overflow if billions of bytes are used in a string argument to a C API (bnc#1201783).
- CVE-2021-36690: Fixed an issue with the SQLite Expert extension when a column has no collating sequence (bsc#1189802).
- Package the Tcl bindings here again so that we only ship one copy of SQLite (bsc#1195773).

The following package changes have been done:

- libtirpc-netconfig-1.2.6-150300.3.14.1 updated
- libsqlite3-0-3.39.3-150000.3.17.1 updated
- libtirpc3-1.2.6-150300.3.14.1 updated
- container:bci-bci-init-15.4-15.4-22.21 updated

SUSE: 2022:2296-1 suse/pcp Security Update

September 20, 2022
The container suse/pcp was updated


Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2022:3305-1 Released: Mon Sep 19 11:45:57 2022 Summary: Security update for libtirpc Type: security Severity: important Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2022:3307-1 Released: Mon Sep 19 13:26:51 2022 Summary: Security update for sqlite3 Type: security Severity: moderate


References : 1189802 1195773 1201680 1201783 CVE-2021-36690 CVE-2021-46828



This update for libtirpc fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2021-46828: Fixed denial of service vulnerability with lots of connections (bsc#1201680).


This update for sqlite3 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2022-35737: Fixed an array-bounds overflow if billions of bytes are used in a string argument to a C API (bnc#1201783).

- CVE-2021-36690: Fixed an issue with the SQLite Expert extension when a column has no collating sequence (bsc#1189802).

- Package the Tcl bindings here again so that we only ship one copy of SQLite (bsc#1195773).

The following package changes have been done:

- libtirpc-netconfig-1.2.6-150300.3.14.1 updated

- libsqlite3-0-3.39.3-150000.3.17.1 updated

- libtirpc3-1.2.6-150300.3.14.1 updated

- container:bci-bci-init-15.4-15.4-22.21 updated

Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2022:2296-1
Container Tags : suse/pcp:5 , suse/pcp:5.2 , suse/pcp:5.2.2 , suse/pcp:5.2.2-10.36 , suse/pcp:latest
Container Release : 10.36
Severity : important
Type : security

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