SUSE Container Update Advisory: bci/python
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2023:2466-1
Container Tags        : bci/python:3 , bci/python:3-15.26 , bci/python:3.10 , bci/python:3.10-15.26
Container Release     : 15.26
Severity              : important
Type                  : security
References            : 1186673 1201627 1203750 1207534 1208471 1208721 1209229 1209536
                        1210004 1210999 1211418 1211419 1211765 1211828 1212260 1212623
                        1213004 1213008 1213237 1213487 1213504 CVE-2007-4559 CVE-2022-4304
                        CVE-2023-24329 CVE-2023-2602 CVE-2023-2603 CVE-2023-31484 CVE-2023-32001
                        CVE-2023-3446 CVE-2023-38408 

The container bci/python was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2625-1
Released:    Fri Jun 23 17:16:11 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for gcc12
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
This update for gcc12 fixes the following issues:

- Update to GCC 12.3 release, 0c61aa720e62f1baf0bfd178e283, git1204

  * includes regression and other bug fixes

- Speed up builds with --enable-link-serialization.

- Update embedded newlib to version 4.2.0

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2648-1
Released:    Tue Jun 27 09:52:35 2023
Summary:     Security update for openssl-1_1
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1201627,1207534,CVE-2022-4304
This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2022-4304: Reworked the fix for the Timing-Oracle in RSA decryption.
  The previous fix for this timing side channel turned out to cause a
  severe 2-3x performance regression in the typical use case (bsc#1207534).

- Update further expiring certificates that affect the testsuite (bsc#1201627).

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2765-1
Released:    Mon Jul  3 20:28:14 2023
Summary:     Security update for libcap
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1211418,1211419,CVE-2023-2602,CVE-2023-2603
This update for libcap fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-2602: Fixed improper memory release in libcap/psx/psx.c:__wrap_pthread_create() (bsc#1211418).
- CVE-2023-2603: Fixed an integer overflow or wraparound in libcap/cap_alloc.c:_libcap_strdup() (bsc#1211419).

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2800-1
Released:    Mon Jul 10 07:35:22 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for openssl-1_1
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1212623
This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- Check the OCSP RESPONSE in openssl s_client command and terminate
  connection if a revoked certificate is found. [bsc#1212623]

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2811-1
Released:    Wed Jul 12 11:56:18 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for libfido2, python-fido2, yubikey-manager, yubikey-manager-qt
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
This update for libfido2, python-fido2, yubikey-manager, yubikey-manager-qt fixes the following issues:

This update provides a feature update to the FIDO2 stack.

Changes in libfido2:

- Version 1.13.0 (2023-02-20)

    * New API calls:

      + fido_assert_empty_allow_list;
      + fido_cred_empty_exclude_list.

    * fido2-token: fix issue when listing large blobs.

- Version 1.12.0 (2022-09-22)

  * Support for COSE_ES384.
  * Improved support for FIDO 2.1 authenticators.

  * New API calls:

    + es384_pk_free;
    + es384_pk_from_EC_KEY;
    + es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEY;
    + es384_pk_from_ptr;
    + es384_pk_new;
    + es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEY;
    + fido_cbor_info_certs_len;
    + fido_cbor_info_certs_name_ptr;
    + fido_cbor_info_certs_value_ptr;
    + fido_cbor_info_maxrpid_minpinlen;
    + fido_cbor_info_minpinlen;
    + fido_cbor_info_new_pin_required;
    + fido_cbor_info_rk_remaining;
    + fido_cbor_info_uv_attempts;
    + fido_cbor_info_uv_modality.

   * Documentation and reliability fixes.

- Version 1.11.0 (2022-05-03)

  * Experimental PCSC support; enable with -DUSE_PCSC.
  * Improved OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility.
  * Use RFC1951 raw deflate to compress CTAP 2.1 largeBlobs.
  * winhello: advertise 'uv' instead of 'clientPin'.
  * winhello: support hmac-secret in fido_dev_get_assert().
  * New API calls:

    + fido_cbor_info_maxlargeblob.

  * Documentation and reliability fixes.
  * Separate build and regress targets.

- Version 1.10.0 (2022-01-17)

  * bio: fix CTAP2 canonical CBOR encoding in fido_bio_dev_enroll_*(); gh#480.
  * New API calls:

     - fido_dev_info_set;
     - fido_dev_io_handle;
     - fido_dev_new_with_info;
     - fido_dev_open_with_info.
  * Cygwin and NetBSD build fixes.
  * Documentation and reliability fixes.
  * Support for TPM 2.0 attestation of COSE_ES256 credentials.

- Version 1.9.0 (2021-10-27)

  * Enabled NFC support on Linux.
  * Support for FIDO 2.1 'minPinLength' extension.
  * Support for COSE_EDDSA, COSE_ES256, and COSE_RS1 attestation.
  * Support for TPM 2.0 attestation.
  * Support for device timeouts; see fido_dev_set_timeout().
  * New API calls:

       - es256_pk_from_EVP_PKEY;
       - fido_cred_attstmt_len;
       - fido_cred_attstmt_ptr;
       - fido_cred_pin_minlen;
       - fido_cred_set_attstmt;
       - fido_cred_set_pin_minlen;
       - fido_dev_set_pin_minlen_rpid;
       - fido_dev_set_timeout;
       - rs256_pk_from_EVP_PKEY.

  * Reliability and portability fixes.
  * Better handling of HID devices without identification strings; gh#381.

- Update to version 1.8.0:

	* Better support for FIDO 2.1 authenticators.
	* Support for attestation format 'none'.
	* New API calls:

		- fido_assert_set_clientdata;
		- fido_cbor_info_algorithm_cose;
		- fido_cbor_info_algorithm_count;
		- fido_cbor_info_algorithm_type;
		- fido_cbor_info_transports_len;
		- fido_cbor_info_transports_ptr;
		- fido_cred_set_clientdata;
		- fido_cred_set_id;
		- fido_credman_set_dev_rk;
		- fido_dev_is_winhello.

	* fido2-token: new -Sc option to update a resident credential.
	* Documentation and reliability fixes.
	* HID access serialisation on Linux.

- Update to version 1.7.0:

  * hid_win: detect devices with vendor or product IDs > 0x7fff
  * Support for FIDO 2.1 authenticator configuration.
  * Support for FIDO 2.1 UV token permissions.
  * Support for FIDO 2.1 'credBlobs' and 'largeBlobs' extensions.
  * New API calls
  * New fido_init flag to disable fido_dev_open’s U2F fallback
  * Experimental NFC support on Linux.

- Enabled hidapi again, issues related to hidapi are fixed upstream

- Update to version 1.6.0:

  * Documentation and reliability fixes.

  * New API calls:

    + fido_cred_authdata_raw_len;
    + fido_cred_authdata_raw_ptr;
    + fido_cred_sigcount;
    + fido_dev_get_uv_retry_count;
    + fido_dev_supports_credman.
  * Hardened Windows build.
  * Native FreeBSD and NetBSD support.
  * Use CTAP2 canonical CBOR when combining hmac-secret and credProtect.

- Create a udev subpackage and ship the udev rule.

Changes in python-fido2:

- update to 0.9.3:

  * Don't fail device discovery when hidraw doesn't support HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ
  * Support the latest Windows webauthn.h API (included in Windows 11).
  * Add product name and serial number to HidDescriptors.
  * Remove the need for the uhid-freebsd dependency on FreeBSD.

- Update to version 0.9.1

  * Add new CTAP error codes and improve handling of unknown codes.
  * Client: API changes to better support extensions.
  * Client.make_credential now returns a AuthenticatorAttestationResponse,
    which holds the AttestationObject and ClientData, as well as any
    client extension results for the credential.
  * Client.get_assertion now returns an AssertionSelection object,
    which is used to select between multiple assertions
  * Renames: The CTAP1 and CTAP2 classes have been renamed to
    Ctap1 and Ctap2, respectively.
  * ClientPin: The ClientPin API has been restructured to support
    multiple PIN protocols, UV tokens, and token permissions.
  * CTAP 2.1 PRE: Several new features have been added for CTAP 2.1
  * HID: The platform specific HID code has been revamped

- Version 0.8.1 (released 2019-11-25)

  * Bugfix: WindowsClient.make_credential error when resident key requirement is unspecified.

- Version 0.8.0 (released 2019-11-25)

  * New fido2.webauthn classes modeled after the W3C WebAuthn spec introduced.
  * CTAP2 send_cbor/make_credential/get_assertion and U2fClient request/authenticate timeout arguments replaced with event used to cancel a request.
  * Fido2Client:

    - make_credential/get_assertion now take WebAuthn options objects.
    - timeout is now provided in ms in WebAuthn options objects. Event based cancelation also available by passing an Event.

  * Fido2Server:

    - ATTESTATION, USER_VERIFICATION, and AUTHENTICATOR_ATTACHMENT enums have been replaced with fido2.webauthn classes.
    - RelyingParty has been replaced with PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity, and name is no longer optional.
    - Options returned by register_begin/authenticate_begin now omit unspecified values if they are optional, instead of filling in default values.
    - Fido2Server.allowed_algorithms now contains a list of PublicKeyCredentialParameters instead of algorithm identifiers.
    - Fido2Server.timeout is now in ms and of type int.

  * Support native WebAuthn API on Windows through WindowsClient.

- Version 0.7.2 (released 2019-10-24)

  * Support for the TPM attestation format.
  * Allow passing custom challenges to register/authenticate in Fido2Server.
  * Bugfix: CTAP2 CANCEL command response handling fixed.
  * Bugfix: Fido2Client fix handling of empty allow_list.
  * Bugfix: Fix typo in CTAP2.get_assertions() causing it to fail.

- Version 0.7.1 (released 2019-09-20)

  * Enforce canonical CBOR on Authenticator responses by default.
  * PCSC: Support extended APDUs.
  * Server: Verify that UP flag is set.
  * U2FFido2Server: Implement AppID exclusion extension.
  * U2FFido2Server: Allow custom U2F facet verification.
  * Bugfix: U2FFido2Server.authenticate_complete now returns the result.

- Version 0.7.0 (released 2019-06-17)

  * Add support for NFC devices using PCSC.
  * Add support for the hmac-secret Authenticator extension.
  * Honor max credential ID length and number of credentials to Authenticator.
  * Add close() method to CTAP devices to explicitly release their resources.

- Version 0.6.0 (released 2019-05-10)

  * Don't fail if CTAP2 Info contains unknown fields.
  * Replace cbor loads/dumps functions with encode/decode/decode_from.
  * Server: Add support for AuthenticatorAttachment.
  * Server: Add support for more key algorithms.
  * Client: Expose CTAP2 Info object as 

Changes in yubikey-manager:

- Update to version 4.0.9 (released 2022-06-17)

  * Dependency: Add support for python-fido2 1.x
  * Fix: Drop stated support for Click 6 as features from 7 are being used.

- Update to version 4.0.8 (released 2022-01-31)

  * Bugfix: Fix error message for invalid modhex when programing a YubiOTP credential.
  * Bugfix: Fix issue with displaying a Steam credential when it is the only account.
  * Bugfix: Prevent installation of files in site-packages root.
  * Bugfix: Fix cleanup logic in PIV for protected management key.
  * Add support for token identifier when programming slot-based HOTP.
  * Add support for programming NDEF in text mode.
  * Dependency: Add support for Cryptography ⇐ 38.

- version update to 4.0.7

  ** Bugfix release: Fix broken naming for 'YubiKey 4', and a small OATH issue with
      touch Steam credentials.

- version 4.0.6 (released 2021-09-08)

   ** Improve handling of YubiKey device reboots.
   ** More consistently mask PIN/password input in prompts.
   ** Support switching mode over CCID for YubiKey Edge.
   ** Run pkill from PATH instead of fixed location.

- version 4.0.5 (released 2021-07-16)

   ** Bugfix: Fix PIV feature detection for some YubiKey NEO versions.
   ** Bugfix: Fix argument short form for --period when adding TOTP credentials.
   ** Bugfix: More strict validation for some arguments, resulting in better error messages.
   ** Bugfix: Correctly handle TOTP credentials using period != 30 AND touch_required.
   ** Bugfix: Fix prompting for access code in the otp settings command (now uses '-A -').

- Update to version 4.0.3

  * Add support for fido reset over NFC.
  * Bugfix: The --touch argument to piv change-management-key was
  * Bugfix: Don’t prompt for password when importing PIV key/cert
    if file is invalid.
  * Bugfix: Fix setting touch-eject/auto-eject for YubiKey 4 and NEO.
  * Bugfix: Detect PKCS#12 format when outer sequence uses
    indefinite length.
  * Dependency: Add support for Click 8.

- Update to version 4.0.2

  * Update device names
  * Add read_info output to the --diagnose command, and show
    exception types.
  * Bugfix: Fix read_info for YubiKey Plus.
  * Add support for YK5-based FIPS YubiKeys.
  * Bugfix: Fix OTP device enumeration on Win32.
  * Drop reliance on libusb and libykpersonalize.
  * Support the 'fido' and 'otp' subcommands over NFC
  * New 'ykman --diagnose' command to aid in troubleshooting.
  * New 'ykman apdu' command for sending raw APDUs over the smart
    card interface.
  * New 'yubikit' package added for custom development and advanced
  * OpenPGP: Add support for KDF enabled YubiKeys.
  * Static password: Add support for FR, IT, UK and BEPO keyboard

- Update to 3.1.1

  * Add support for YubiKey 5C NFC
  * OpenPGP: set-touch now performs compatibility checks before prompting for PIN
  * OpenPGP: Improve error messages and documentation for set-touch
  * PIV: read-object command no longer adds a trailing newline
  * CLI: Hint at missing permissions when opening a device fails
  * Linux: Improve error handling when pcscd is not running
  * Windows: Improve how .DLL files are loaded, thanks to Marius Gabriel Mihai for reporting this!
  * Bugfix: set-touch now accepts the cached-fixed option
  * Bugfix: Fix crash in OtpController.prepare_upload_key() error parsing
  * Bugfix: Fix crash in piv info command when a certificate slot contains an invalid certificate
  * Library: PivController.read_certificate(slot) now wraps certificate parsing exceptions in new exception type InvalidCertificate
  * Library: PivController.list_certificates() now returns None for slots containing invalid certificate, instead of raising an exception

- Version 3.1.0 (released 2019-08-20)

  * Add support for YubiKey 5Ci
  * OpenPGP: the info command now prints OpenPGP specification version as well
  * OpenPGP: Update support for attestation to match OpenPGP v3.4
  * PIV: Use UTC time for self-signed certificates
  * OTP: Static password now supports the Norman keyboard layout

- Version 3.0.0 (released 2019-06-24)

  * Add support for new YubiKey Preview and lightning form factor
  * FIDO: Support for credential management
  * OpenPGP: Support for OpenPGP attestation, cardholder certificates and
    cached touch policies
  * OTP: Add flag for using numeric keypad when sending digits 

- Version 2.1.1 (released 2019-05-28)

  * OTP: Add initial support for uploading Yubico OTP credentials to YubiCloud
  * Don’t automatically select the U2F applet on YubiKey NEO, it might be
    blocked by the OS
  * ChalResp: Always pad challenge correctly
  * Bugfix: Don’t crash with older versions of cryptography
  * Bugfix: Password was always prompted in OATH command, even if sent as

Changes in yubikey-manager-qt:

- update to 1.2.5:

  * Compatibility update for ykman 5.0.1.
  * Update to Python 3.11.
  * Update product images.

- Update to version 1.2.4 (released 2021-10-26)

  * Update device names and images.
  * PIV: Fix import of certificate.

- Update to version 1.2.3

  * Improved error handling when using Security Key Series devices.
  * PIV: Fix generation of certificate in slot 9c.

- Update to version 1.2.2

  * Fix detection of YubiKey Plus
  * Compatibility update for yubikey-manager 4.0
  * Bugfix: Device caching with multiple devices
  * Drop dependencies on libusb and libykpers.
  * Add additional product names and images

- update to 1.1.5

  * Add support for YubiKey 5C NFC

- Update to version 1.1.4

 * OTP: Add option to upload YubiOTP credential to YubiCloud
 * Linux: Show hint about pcscd service if opening device fails
 * Bugfix: Signal handling now compatible with Python 3.8

- Version 1.1.3 (released 2019-08-20)

  * Add suppport for YubiKey 5Ci
  * PIV: Use UTC time for self-signed certificates

- Version 1.1.2 (released 2019-06-24)

  * Add support for new YubiKey Preview
  * PIV: The popup for the management key now have a 'Use default' option
  * Windows: Fix issue with importing PIV certificates
  * Bugfix: generate static password now works correctly 

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2827-1
Released:    Fri Jul 14 11:27:47 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for libxml2
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
This update for libxml2 fixes the following issues:

- Build also for modern python version (jsc#PED-68)

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2847-1
Released:    Mon Jul 17 08:40:42 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for audit
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1210004
This update for audit fixes the following issues:

- Check for AF_UNIX unnamed sockets (bsc#1210004)
- Enable livepatching on main library on x86_64

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2855-1
Released:    Mon Jul 17 16:35:21 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for openldap2
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1212260
This update for openldap2 fixes the following issues:

- libldap2 crashes on ldap_sasl_bind_s (bsc#1212260)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2882-1
Released:    Wed Jul 19 11:49:39 2023
Summary:     Security update for perl
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1210999,CVE-2023-31484
This update for perl fixes the following issues:

  - CVE-2023-31484: Enable TLS cert verification in CPAN (bsc#1210999).

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2884-1
Released:    Wed Jul 19 16:55:25 2023
Summary:     Security update for python310
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1203750,1208471,1211765,CVE-2007-4559,CVE-2023-24329
This update for python310 fixes the following issues:

- Make marshalling of `set` and `frozenset` deterministic (bsc#1211765)

python310 was updated to 3.10.12:

- urllib.parse.urlsplit() now strips leading C0
  control and space characters following the specification for
  URLs defined by WHATWG in response to CVE-2023-24329
- Fixed a security in flaw in uu.decode() that could
  allow for directory traversal based on the input if no
  out_file was specified.
- Do not expose the local on-disk
  location in directory indexes produced by
- trace.__main__ now uses io.open_code() for files
  to be executed instead of raw open().
- CVE-2007-4559: The extraction methods in tarfile, and
  shutil.unpack_archive(), have a new filter argument that
  allows limiting tar features than may be surprising or
  dangerous, such as creating files outside the destination
  directory. See Extraction filters for details (fixing

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2885-1
Released:    Wed Jul 19 16:58:43 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for glibc
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1208721,1209229,1211828
This update for glibc fixes the following issues:

- getlogin_r: fix missing fallback if loginuid is unset (bsc#1209229, BZ #30235)
- Exclude static archives from preparation for live patching (bsc#1208721)
- resolv_conf: release lock on allocation failure (bsc#1211828, BZ #30527)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2891-1
Released:    Wed Jul 19 21:14:33 2023
Summary:     Security update for curl
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1213237,CVE-2023-32001
This update for curl fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-32001: Fixed TOCTOU race condition (bsc#1213237).

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2922-1
Released:    Thu Jul 20 18:34:03 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for libfido2
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
This update for libfido2 fixes the following issues:

- Use openssl 1.1 still on SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 to avoid pulling unneeded
  openssl-3 dependency. (jsc#PED-4521)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2945-1
Released:    Mon Jul 24 09:37:30 2023
Summary:     Security update for openssh
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1186673,1209536,1213004,1213008,1213504,CVE-2023-38408
This update for openssh fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-38408: Fixed a condition where specific libaries loaded via
  ssh-agent(1)'s PKCS#11 support could be abused to achieve remote code
  execution via a forwarded agent socket if those libraries were present on the
  victim's system and if the agent was forwarded to an attacker-controlled
  system. [bsc#1213504, CVE-2023-38408]

- Close the right filedescriptor and also close fdh in read_hmac to avoid file
  descriptor leaks. [bsc#1209536]

- Attempts to mitigate instances of secrets lingering in memory after a session
  exits. [bsc#1186673, bsc#1213004, bsc#1213008]

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2962-1
Released:    Tue Jul 25 09:34:53 2023
Summary:     Security update for openssl-1_1
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1213487,CVE-2023-3446
This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-3446: Fixed DH_check() excessive time with over sized modulus (bsc#1213487).

The following package changes have been done:

- libldap-data-2.4.46-150200.14.17.1 updated
- glibc-2.31-150300.52.2 updated
- perl-base-5.26.1-150300.17.14.1 updated
- libcap2-2.63-150400.3.3.1 updated
- libaudit1-3.0.6-150400.4.10.1 updated
- libgcc_s1-12.3.0+git1204-150000.1.10.1 updated
- libstdc++6-12.3.0+git1204-150000.1.10.1 updated
- libxml2-2-2.9.14-150400.5.19.1 updated
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150400.7.48.1 updated
- libopenssl1_1-hmac-1.1.1l-150400.7.48.1 updated
- libldap-2_4-2-2.4.46-150200.14.17.1 updated
- libcurl4-8.0.1-150400.5.26.1 updated
- curl-8.0.1-150400.5.26.1 updated
- openssl-1_1-1.1.1l-150400.7.48.1 updated
- libhidapi-hidraw0-0.10.1-1.6 added
- openssh-common-8.4p1-150300.3.22.1 updated
- libpython3_10-1_0-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated
- python310-base-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated
- python310-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated
- libfido2-1-1.13.0-150400.5.6.1 updated
- openssh-fips-8.4p1-150300.3.22.1 updated
- python310-devel-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated
- openssh-clients-8.4p1-150300.3.22.1 updated
- container:sles15-image-15.0.0-27.14.85 updated
- libfido2-udev-1.5.0-1.30 removed

SUSE: 2023:2466-1 bci/python Security Update

July 28, 2023
The container bci/python was updated


Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2625-1 Released: Fri Jun 23 17:16:11 2023 Summary: Recommended update for gcc12 Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2648-1 Released: Tue Jun 27 09:52:35 2023 Summary: Security update for openssl-1_1 Type: security Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2765-1 Released: Mon Jul 3 20:28:14 2023 Summary: Security update for libcap Type: security Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2800-1 Released: Mon Jul 10 07:35:22 2023 Summary: Recommended update for openssl-1_1 Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2811-1 Released: Wed Jul 12 11:56:18 2023 Summary: Recommended update for libfido2, python-fido2, yubikey-manager, yubikey-manager-qt Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2827-1 Released: Fri Jul 14 11:27:47 2023 Summary: Recommended update for libxml2 Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2847-1 Released: Mon Jul 17 08:40:42 2023 Summary: Recommended update for audit Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2855-1 Released: Mon Jul 17 16:35:21 2023 Summary: Recommended update for openldap2 Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2882-1 Released: Wed Jul 19 11:49:39 2023 Summary: Security update for perl Type: security Severity: important Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2884-1 Released: Wed Jul 19 16:55:25 2023 Summary: Security update for python310 Type: security Severity: important Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2885-1 Released: Wed Jul 19 16:58:43 2023 Summary: Recommended update for glibc Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2891-1 Released: Wed Jul 19 21:14:33 2023 Summary: Security update for curl Type: security Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:2922-1 Released: Thu Jul 20 18:34:03 2023 Summary: Recommended update for libfido2 Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2945-1 Released: Mon Jul 24 09:37:30 2023 Summary: Security update for openssh Type: security Severity: important Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:2962-1 Released: Tue Jul 25 09:34:53 2023 Summary: Security update for openssl-1_1 Type: security Severity: moderate


References : 1186673 1201627 1203750 1207534 1208471 1208721 1209229 1209536

1210004 1210999 1211418 1211419 1211765 1211828 1212260 1212623

1213004 1213008 1213237 1213487 1213504 CVE-2007-4559 CVE-2022-4304

CVE-2023-24329 CVE-2023-2602 CVE-2023-2603 CVE-2023-31484 CVE-2023-32001

CVE-2023-3446 CVE-2023-38408

This update for gcc12 fixes the following issues:

- Update to GCC 12.3 release, 0c61aa720e62f1baf0bfd178e283, git1204

* includes regression and other bug fixes

- Speed up builds with --enable-link-serialization.

- Update embedded newlib to version 4.2.0


This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2022-4304: Reworked the fix for the Timing-Oracle in RSA decryption.

The previous fix for this timing side channel turned out to cause a

severe 2-3x performance regression in the typical use case (bsc#1207534).

- Update further expiring certificates that affect the testsuite (bsc#1201627).


This update for libcap fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-2602: Fixed improper memory release in libcap/psx/psx.c:__wrap_pthread_create() (bsc#1211418).

- CVE-2023-2603: Fixed an integer overflow or wraparound in libcap/cap_alloc.c:_libcap_strdup() (bsc#1211419).


This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- Check the OCSP RESPONSE in openssl s_client command and terminate

connection if a revoked certificate is found. [bsc#1212623]

This update for libfido2, python-fido2, yubikey-manager, yubikey-manager-qt fixes the following issues:

This update provides a feature update to the FIDO2 stack.

Changes in libfido2:

- Version 1.13.0 (2023-02-20)

* New API calls:

+ fido_assert_empty_allow_list;

+ fido_cred_empty_exclude_list.

* fido2-token: fix issue when listing large blobs.

- Version 1.12.0 (2022-09-22)

* Support for COSE_ES384.

* Improved support for FIDO 2.1 authenticators.

* New API calls:

+ es384_pk_free;

+ es384_pk_from_EC_KEY;

+ es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEY;

+ es384_pk_from_ptr;

+ es384_pk_new;

+ es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEY;

+ fido_cbor_info_certs_len;

+ fido_cbor_info_certs_name_ptr;

+ fido_cbor_info_certs_value_ptr;

+ fido_cbor_info_maxrpid_minpinlen;

+ fido_cbor_info_minpinlen;

+ fido_cbor_info_new_pin_required;

+ fido_cbor_info_rk_remaining;

+ fido_cbor_info_uv_attempts;

+ fido_cbor_info_uv_modality.

* Documentation and reliability fixes.

- Version 1.11.0 (2022-05-03)

* Experimental PCSC support; enable with -DUSE_PCSC.

* Improved OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility.

* Use RFC1951 raw deflate to compress CTAP 2.1 largeBlobs.

* winhello: advertise 'uv' instead of 'clientPin'.

* winhello: support hmac-secret in fido_dev_get_assert().

* New API calls:

+ fido_cbor_info_maxlargeblob.

* Documentation and reliability fixes.

* Separate build and regress targets.

- Version 1.10.0 (2022-01-17)

* bio: fix CTAP2 canonical CBOR encoding in fido_bio_dev_enroll_*(); gh#480.

* New API calls:

- fido_dev_info_set;

- fido_dev_io_handle;

- fido_dev_new_with_info;

- fido_dev_open_with_info.

* Cygwin and NetBSD build fixes.

* Documentation and reliability fixes.

* Support for TPM 2.0 attestation of COSE_ES256 credentials.

- Version 1.9.0 (2021-10-27)

* Enabled NFC support on Linux.

* Support for FIDO 2.1 'minPinLength' extension.

* Support for COSE_EDDSA, COSE_ES256, and COSE_RS1 attestation.

* Support for TPM 2.0 attestation.

* Support for device timeouts; see fido_dev_set_timeout().

* New API calls:

- es256_pk_from_EVP_PKEY;

- fido_cred_attstmt_len;

- fido_cred_attstmt_ptr;

- fido_cred_pin_minlen;

- fido_cred_set_attstmt;

- fido_cred_set_pin_minlen;

- fido_dev_set_pin_minlen_rpid;

- fido_dev_set_timeout;

- rs256_pk_from_EVP_PKEY.

* Reliability and portability fixes.

* Better handling of HID devices without identification strings; gh#381.

- Update to version 1.8.0:

* Better support for FIDO 2.1 authenticators.

* Support for attestation format 'none'.

* New API calls:

- fido_assert_set_clientdata;

- fido_cbor_info_algorithm_cose;

- fido_cbor_info_algorithm_count;

- fido_cbor_info_algorithm_type;

- fido_cbor_info_transports_len;

- fido_cbor_info_transports_ptr;

- fido_cred_set_clientdata;

- fido_cred_set_id;

- fido_credman_set_dev_rk;

- fido_dev_is_winhello.

* fido2-token: new -Sc option to update a resident credential.

* Documentation and reliability fixes.

* HID access serialisation on Linux.

- Update to version 1.7.0:

* hid_win: detect devices with vendor or product IDs > 0x7fff

* Support for FIDO 2.1 authenticator configuration.

* Support for FIDO 2.1 UV token permissions.

* Support for FIDO 2.1 'credBlobs' and 'largeBlobs' extensions.

* New API calls

* New fido_init flag to disable fido_dev_open’s U2F fallback

* Experimental NFC support on Linux.

- Enabled hidapi again, issues related to hidapi are fixed upstream

- Update to version 1.6.0:

* Documentation and reliability fixes.

* New API calls:

+ fido_cred_authdata_raw_len;

+ fido_cred_authdata_raw_ptr;

+ fido_cred_sigcount;

+ fido_dev_get_uv_retry_count;

+ fido_dev_supports_credman.

* Hardened Windows build.

* Native FreeBSD and NetBSD support.

* Use CTAP2 canonical CBOR when combining hmac-secret and credProtect.

- Create a udev subpackage and ship the udev rule.

Changes in python-fido2:

- update to 0.9.3:

* Don't fail device discovery when hidraw doesn't support HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ

* Support the latest Windows webauthn.h API (included in Windows 11).

* Add product name and serial number to HidDescriptors.

* Remove the need for the uhid-freebsd dependency on FreeBSD.

- Update to version 0.9.1

* Add new CTAP error codes and improve handling of unknown codes.

* Client: API changes to better support extensions.

* Client.make_credential now returns a AuthenticatorAttestationResponse,

which holds the AttestationObject and ClientData, as well as any

client extension results for the credential.

* Client.get_assertion now returns an AssertionSelection object,

which is used to select between multiple assertions

* Renames: The CTAP1 and CTAP2 classes have been renamed to

Ctap1 and Ctap2, respectively.

* ClientPin: The ClientPin API has been restructured to support

multiple PIN protocols, UV tokens, and token permissions.

* CTAP 2.1 PRE: Several new features have been added for CTAP 2.1

* HID: The platform specific HID code has been revamped

- Version 0.8.1 (released 2019-11-25)

* Bugfix: WindowsClient.make_credential error when resident key requirement is unspecified.

- Version 0.8.0 (released 2019-11-25)

* New fido2.webauthn classes modeled after the W3C WebAuthn spec introduced.

* CTAP2 send_cbor/make_credential/get_assertion and U2fClient request/authenticate timeout arguments replaced with event used to cancel a request.

* Fido2Client:

- make_credential/get_assertion now take WebAuthn options objects.

- timeout is now provided in ms in WebAuthn options objects. Event based cancelation also available by passing an Event.

* Fido2Server:

- ATTESTATION, USER_VERIFICATION, and AUTHENTICATOR_ATTACHMENT enums have been replaced with fido2.webauthn classes.

- RelyingParty has been replaced with PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity, and name is no longer optional.

- Options returned by register_begin/authenticate_begin now omit unspecified values if they are optional, instead of filling in default values.

- Fido2Server.allowed_algorithms now contains a list of PublicKeyCredentialParameters instead of algorithm identifiers.

- Fido2Server.timeout is now in ms and of type int.

* Support native WebAuthn API on Windows through WindowsClient.

- Version 0.7.2 (released 2019-10-24)

* Support for the TPM attestation format.

* Allow passing custom challenges to register/authenticate in Fido2Server.

* Bugfix: CTAP2 CANCEL command response handling fixed.

* Bugfix: Fido2Client fix handling of empty allow_list.

* Bugfix: Fix typo in CTAP2.get_assertions() causing it to fail.

- Version 0.7.1 (released 2019-09-20)

* Enforce canonical CBOR on Authenticator responses by default.

* PCSC: Support extended APDUs.

* Server: Verify that UP flag is set.

* U2FFido2Server: Implement AppID exclusion extension.

* U2FFido2Server: Allow custom U2F facet verification.

* Bugfix: U2FFido2Server.authenticate_complete now returns the result.

- Version 0.7.0 (released 2019-06-17)

* Add support for NFC devices using PCSC.

* Add support for the hmac-secret Authenticator extension.

* Honor max credential ID length and number of credentials to Authenticator.

* Add close() method to CTAP devices to explicitly release their resources.

- Version 0.6.0 (released 2019-05-10)

* Don't fail if CTAP2 Info contains unknown fields.

* Replace cbor loads/dumps functions with encode/decode/decode_from.

* Server: Add support for AuthenticatorAttachment.

* Server: Add support for more key algorithms.

* Client: Expose CTAP2 Info object as

Changes in yubikey-manager:

- Update to version 4.0.9 (released 2022-06-17)

* Dependency: Add support for python-fido2 1.x

* Fix: Drop stated support for Click 6 as features from 7 are being used.

- Update to version 4.0.8 (released 2022-01-31)

* Bugfix: Fix error message for invalid modhex when programing a YubiOTP credential.

* Bugfix: Fix issue with displaying a Steam credential when it is the only account.

* Bugfix: Prevent installation of files in site-packages root.

* Bugfix: Fix cleanup logic in PIV for protected management key.

* Add support for token identifier when programming slot-based HOTP.

* Add support for programming NDEF in text mode.

* Dependency: Add support for Cryptography ⇐ 38.

- version update to 4.0.7

** Bugfix release: Fix broken naming for 'YubiKey 4', and a small OATH issue with

touch Steam credentials.

- version 4.0.6 (released 2021-09-08)

** Improve handling of YubiKey device reboots.

** More consistently mask PIN/password input in prompts.

** Support switching mode over CCID for YubiKey Edge.

** Run pkill from PATH instead of fixed location.

- version 4.0.5 (released 2021-07-16)

** Bugfix: Fix PIV feature detection for some YubiKey NEO versions.

** Bugfix: Fix argument short form for --period when adding TOTP credentials.

** Bugfix: More strict validation for some arguments, resulting in better error messages.

** Bugfix: Correctly handle TOTP credentials using period != 30 AND touch_required.

** Bugfix: Fix prompting for access code in the otp settings command (now uses '-A -').

- Update to version 4.0.3

* Add support for fido reset over NFC.

* Bugfix: The --touch argument to piv change-management-key was


* Bugfix: Don’t prompt for password when importing PIV key/cert

if file is invalid.

* Bugfix: Fix setting touch-eject/auto-eject for YubiKey 4 and NEO.

* Bugfix: Detect PKCS#12 format when outer sequence uses

indefinite length.

* Dependency: Add support for Click 8.

- Update to version 4.0.2

* Update device names

* Add read_info output to the --diagnose command, and show

exception types.

* Bugfix: Fix read_info for YubiKey Plus.

* Add support for YK5-based FIPS YubiKeys.

* Bugfix: Fix OTP device enumeration on Win32.

* Drop reliance on libusb and libykpersonalize.

* Support the 'fido' and 'otp' subcommands over NFC

* New 'ykman --diagnose' command to aid in troubleshooting.

* New 'ykman apdu' command for sending raw APDUs over the smart

card interface.

* New 'yubikit' package added for custom development and advanced


* OpenPGP: Add support for KDF enabled YubiKeys.

* Static password: Add support for FR, IT, UK and BEPO keyboard


- Update to 3.1.1

* Add support for YubiKey 5C NFC

* OpenPGP: set-touch now performs compatibility checks before prompting for PIN

* OpenPGP: Improve error messages and documentation for set-touch

* PIV: read-object command no longer adds a trailing newline

* CLI: Hint at missing permissions when opening a device fails

* Linux: Improve error handling when pcscd is not running

* Windows: Improve how .DLL files are loaded, thanks to Marius Gabriel Mihai for reporting this!

* Bugfix: set-touch now accepts the cached-fixed option

* Bugfix: Fix crash in OtpController.prepare_upload_key() error parsing

* Bugfix: Fix crash in piv info command when a certificate slot contains an invalid certificate

* Library: PivController.read_certificate(slot) now wraps certificate parsing exceptions in new exception type InvalidCertificate

* Library: PivController.list_certificates() now returns None for slots containing invalid certificate, instead of raising an exception

- Version 3.1.0 (released 2019-08-20)

* Add support for YubiKey 5Ci

* OpenPGP: the info command now prints OpenPGP specification version as well

* OpenPGP: Update support for attestation to match OpenPGP v3.4

* PIV: Use UTC time for self-signed certificates

* OTP: Static password now supports the Norman keyboard layout

- Version 3.0.0 (released 2019-06-24)

* Add support for new YubiKey Preview and lightning form factor

* FIDO: Support for credential management

* OpenPGP: Support for OpenPGP attestation, cardholder certificates and

cached touch policies

* OTP: Add flag for using numeric keypad when sending digits

- Version 2.1.1 (released 2019-05-28)

* OTP: Add initial support for uploading Yubico OTP credentials to YubiCloud

* Don’t automatically select the U2F applet on YubiKey NEO, it might be

blocked by the OS

* ChalResp: Always pad challenge correctly

* Bugfix: Don’t crash with older versions of cryptography

* Bugfix: Password was always prompted in OATH command, even if sent as


Changes in yubikey-manager-qt:

- update to 1.2.5:

* Compatibility update for ykman 5.0.1.

* Update to Python 3.11.

* Update product images.

- Update to version 1.2.4 (released 2021-10-26)

* Update device names and images.

* PIV: Fix import of certificate.

- Update to version 1.2.3

* Improved error handling when using Security Key Series devices.

* PIV: Fix generation of certificate in slot 9c.

- Update to version 1.2.2

* Fix detection of YubiKey Plus

* Compatibility update for yubikey-manager 4.0

* Bugfix: Device caching with multiple devices

* Drop dependencies on libusb and libykpers.

* Add additional product names and images

- update to 1.1.5

* Add support for YubiKey 5C NFC

- Update to version 1.1.4

* OTP: Add option to upload YubiOTP credential to YubiCloud

* Linux: Show hint about pcscd service if opening device fails

* Bugfix: Signal handling now compatible with Python 3.8

- Version 1.1.3 (released 2019-08-20)

* Add suppport for YubiKey 5Ci

* PIV: Use UTC time for self-signed certificates

- Version 1.1.2 (released 2019-06-24)

* Add support for new YubiKey Preview

* PIV: The popup for the management key now have a 'Use default' option

* Windows: Fix issue with importing PIV certificates

* Bugfix: generate static password now works correctly

This update for libxml2 fixes the following issues:

- Build also for modern python version (jsc#PED-68)


This update for audit fixes the following issues:

- Check for AF_UNIX unnamed sockets (bsc#1210004)

- Enable livepatching on main library on x86_64


This update for openldap2 fixes the following issues:

- libldap2 crashes on ldap_sasl_bind_s (bsc#1212260)


This update for perl fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-31484: Enable TLS cert verification in CPAN (bsc#1210999).


This update for python310 fixes the following issues:

- Make marshalling of `set` and `frozenset` deterministic (bsc#1211765)

python310 was updated to 3.10.12:

- urllib.parse.urlsplit() now strips leading C0

control and space characters following the specification for

URLs defined by WHATWG in response to CVE-2023-24329


- Fixed a security in flaw in uu.decode() that could

allow for directory traversal based on the input if no

out_file was specified.

- Do not expose the local on-disk

location in directory indexes produced by


- trace.__main__ now uses io.open_code() for files

to be executed instead of raw open().

- CVE-2007-4559: The extraction methods in tarfile, and

shutil.unpack_archive(), have a new filter argument that

allows limiting tar features than may be surprising or

dangerous, such as creating files outside the destination

directory. See Extraction filters for details (fixing



This update for glibc fixes the following issues:

- getlogin_r: fix missing fallback if loginuid is unset (bsc#1209229, BZ #30235)

- Exclude static archives from preparation for live patching (bsc#1208721)

- resolv_conf: release lock on allocation failure (bsc#1211828, BZ #30527)


This update for curl fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-32001: Fixed TOCTOU race condition (bsc#1213237).

This update for libfido2 fixes the following issues:

- Use openssl 1.1 still on SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 to avoid pulling unneeded

openssl-3 dependency. (jsc#PED-4521)


This update for openssh fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-38408: Fixed a condition where specific libaries loaded via

ssh-agent(1)'s PKCS#11 support could be abused to achieve remote code

execution via a forwarded agent socket if those libraries were present on the

victim's system and if the agent was forwarded to an attacker-controlled

system. [bsc#1213504, CVE-2023-38408]

- Close the right filedescriptor and also close fdh in read_hmac to avoid file

descriptor leaks. [bsc#1209536]

- Attempts to mitigate instances of secrets lingering in memory after a session

exits. [bsc#1186673, bsc#1213004, bsc#1213008]


This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-3446: Fixed DH_check() excessive time with over sized modulus (bsc#1213487).

The following package changes have been done:

- libldap-data-2.4.46-150200.14.17.1 updated

- glibc-2.31-150300.52.2 updated

- perl-base-5.26.1-150300.17.14.1 updated

- libcap2-2.63-150400.3.3.1 updated

- libaudit1-3.0.6-150400.4.10.1 updated

- libgcc_s1-12.3.0+git1204-150000.1.10.1 updated

- libstdc++6-12.3.0+git1204-150000.1.10.1 updated

- libxml2-2-2.9.14-150400.5.19.1 updated

- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150400.7.48.1 updated

- libopenssl1_1-hmac-1.1.1l-150400.7.48.1 updated

- libldap-2_4-2-2.4.46-150200.14.17.1 updated

- libcurl4-8.0.1-150400.5.26.1 updated

- curl-8.0.1-150400.5.26.1 updated

- openssl-1_1-1.1.1l-150400.7.48.1 updated

- libhidapi-hidraw0-0.10.1-1.6 added

- openssh-common-8.4p1-150300.3.22.1 updated

- libpython3_10-1_0-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated

- python310-base-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated

- python310-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated

- libfido2-1-1.13.0-150400.5.6.1 updated

- openssh-fips-8.4p1-150300.3.22.1 updated

- python310-devel-3.10.12-150400.4.30.1 updated

- openssh-clients-8.4p1-150300.3.22.1 updated

- container:sles15-image-15.0.0-27.14.85 updated

- libfido2-udev-1.5.0-1.30 removed

Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2023:2466-1
Container Tags : bci/python:3 , bci/python:3-15.26 , bci/python:3.10 , bci/python:3.10-15.26
Container Release : 15.26
Severity : important
Type : security

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