SUSE Container Update Advisory: suse/sle15
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2023:374-1
Container Tags        : suse/sle15:15.2 , suse/sle15:
Container Release     : 9.5.261
Severity              : important
Type                  : security
References            : 1121365 1198472 1207533 1207534 1207536 1207538 CVE-2022-4304
                        CVE-2022-4450 CVE-2023-0215 CVE-2023-0286 

The container suse/sle15 was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:310-1
Released:    Tue Feb  7 17:35:34 2023
Summary:     Security update for openssl-1_1
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1121365,1198472,1207533,1207534,1207536,1207538,CVE-2022-4304,CVE-2022-4450,CVE-2023-0215,CVE-2023-0286
This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-0286: Fixed X.400 address type confusion in X.509 GENERAL_NAME_cmp for x400Address (bsc#1207533).
- CVE-2023-0215: Fixed use-after-free following BIO_new_NDEF() (bsc#1207536).
- CVE-2022-4450: Fixed double free after calling PEM_read_bio_ex() (bsc#1207538).
- CVE-2022-4304: Fixed timing Oracle in RSA Decryption (bsc#1207534).
- FIPS: list only FIPS approved public key algorithms (bsc#1121365, bsc#1198472)

The following package changes have been done:

- libopenssl1_1-hmac-1.1.1d-150200.11.57.1 updated
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1d-150200.11.57.1 updated
- openssl-1_1-1.1.1d-150200.11.57.1 updated

SUSE: 2023:374-1 suse/sle15 Security Update

February 17, 2023
The container suse/sle15 was updated


Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:310-1 Released: Tue Feb 7 17:35:34 2023 Summary: Security update for openssl-1_1 Type: security Severity: important


References : 1121365 1198472 1207533 1207534 1207536 1207538 CVE-2022-4304

CVE-2022-4450 CVE-2023-0215 CVE-2023-0286


This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-0286: Fixed X.400 address type confusion in X.509 GENERAL_NAME_cmp for x400Address (bsc#1207533).

- CVE-2023-0215: Fixed use-after-free following BIO_new_NDEF() (bsc#1207536).

- CVE-2022-4450: Fixed double free after calling PEM_read_bio_ex() (bsc#1207538).

- CVE-2022-4304: Fixed timing Oracle in RSA Decryption (bsc#1207534).

- FIPS: list only FIPS approved public key algorithms (bsc#1121365, bsc#1198472)

The following package changes have been done:

- libopenssl1_1-hmac-1.1.1d-150200.11.57.1 updated

- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1d-150200.11.57.1 updated

- openssl-1_1-1.1.1d-150200.11.57.1 updated

Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2023:374-1
Container Tags : suse/sle15:15.2 , suse/sle15:
Container Release : 9.5.261
Severity : important
Type : security

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