SUSE Container Update Advisory: suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2023:3891-1
Container Tags        : suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox:12.1 , suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox:12.1-5.2.261 , suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox:latest
Container Release     : 5.2.261
Severity              : moderate
Type                  : security
References            : 1041742 1203760 1212422 1215979 1216091 1216129 CVE-2023-45322

The container suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:4534-1
Released:    Thu Nov 23 08:13:57 2023
Summary:     Recommended update for libzypp, zypper
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1041742,1203760,1212422,1215979,1216091
This update for libzypp, zypper fixes the following issues:

- Preliminary disable 'rpm --runposttrans' usage for chrooted systems (bsc#1216091)
- Fix comment typo on zypp.conf (bsc#1215979)
- Attempt to delay %transfiletrigger(postun|in) execution if rpm supports it (bsc#1041742)
- Make sure the old target is deleted before a new one is created (bsc#1203760)
- Return 104 also if info suggests near matches
- Rephrase upgrade message for openSUSE Tumbleweed (bsc#1212422)
- commit: Insert a headline to separate output of different rpm scripts (bsc#1041742)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:4537-1
Released:    Thu Nov 23 09:34:08 2023
Summary:     Security update for libxml2
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1216129,CVE-2023-45322
This update for libxml2 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-45322: Fixed a use-after-free in xmlUnlinkNode() in tree.c (bsc#1216129).

The following package changes have been done:

- libxml2-2-2.9.14-150400.5.25.1 updated
- libzypp-17.31.22-150400.3.43.1 updated
- zypper-1.14.66-150400.3.35.1 updated
- container:sles15-image-15.0.0-27.14.122 updated

SUSE: 2023:3891-1 suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox Security Update

November 24, 2023
The container suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox was updated


Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2023:4534-1 Released: Thu Nov 23 08:13:57 2023 Summary: Recommended update for libzypp, zypper Type: recommended Severity: moderate Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2023:4537-1 Released: Thu Nov 23 09:34:08 2023 Summary: Security update for libxml2 Type: security Severity: moderate


References : 1041742 1203760 1212422 1215979 1216091 1216129 CVE-2023-45322


This update for libzypp, zypper fixes the following issues:

- Preliminary disable 'rpm --runposttrans' usage for chrooted systems (bsc#1216091)

- Fix comment typo on zypp.conf (bsc#1215979)

- Attempt to delay %transfiletrigger(postun|in) execution if rpm supports it (bsc#1041742)

- Make sure the old target is deleted before a new one is created (bsc#1203760)

- Return 104 also if info suggests near matches

- Rephrase upgrade message for openSUSE Tumbleweed (bsc#1212422)

- commit: Insert a headline to separate output of different rpm scripts (bsc#1041742)


This update for libxml2 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2023-45322: Fixed a use-after-free in xmlUnlinkNode() in tree.c (bsc#1216129).

The following package changes have been done:

- libxml2-2-2.9.14-150400.5.25.1 updated

- libzypp-17.31.22-150400.3.43.1 updated

- zypper-1.14.66-150400.3.35.1 updated

- container:sles15-image-15.0.0-27.14.122 updated

Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2023:3891-1
Container Tags : suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox:12.1 , suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox:12.1-5.2.261 , suse/sle-micro/5.3/toolbox:latest
Container Release : 5.2.261
Severity : moderate
Type : security

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