# Security update for cosign

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2023:4870-1  
Rating: moderate  

  * bsc#1216933
  * jsc#SLE-23879


  * CVE-2023-46737

CVSS scores:

  * CVE-2023-46737 ( SUSE ):  3.1 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L
  * CVE-2023-46737 ( NVD ):  5.3 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L

Affected Products:

  * Basesystem Module 15-SP4
  * Basesystem Module 15-SP5
  * openSUSE Leap 15.4
  * openSUSE Leap 15.5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5
  * SUSE Manager Proxy 4.3
  * SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.3
  * SUSE Manager Server 4.3

An update that solves one vulnerability and contains one feature can now be

## Description:

This update for cosign fixes the following issues:

Updated to 2.2.1 (jsc#SLE-23879)

  * Enhancements:
  * CVE-2023-46737: Possible endless data attack from attacker-controlled
    registry (bsc#1216933)
  * feat: Support basic auth and bearer auth login to registry (#3310)
  * add support for ignoring certificates with pkcs11 (#3334)
  * Support ReplaceOp in Signatures (#3315)
  * feat: added ability to get image digest back via triangulate (#3255)
  * feat: add `--only` flag in `cosign copy` to copy sign, att & sbom (#3247)
  * feat: add support attaching a Rekor bundle to a container (#3246)
  * feat: add support outputting rekor response on signing (#3248)
  * feat: improve dockerfile verify subcommand (#3264)
  * Add guard flag for experimental OCI 1.1 verify. (#3272)
  * Deprecate SBOM attachments (#3256)
  * feat: dedent line in cosign copy doc (#3244)
  * feat: add platform flag to cosign copy command (#3234)
  * Add SLSA 1.0 attestation support to cosign. Closes #2860 (#3219)
  * attest: pass OCI remote opts to att resolver. (#3225)
  * Bug Fixes:
  * Merge pull request from GHSA-vfp6-jrw2-99g9
  * fix: allow cosign download sbom when image is absent (#3245)
  * ci: add a OCI registry test for referrers support (#3253)
  * Fix ReplaceSignatures (#3292)
  * Stop using deprecated in_toto.ProvenanceStatement (#3243)
  * Fixes #3236, disable SCT checking for a cosign verification when using ..
  * fix: update error in `SignedEntity` to be more descriptive (#3233)
  * Fail timestamp verification if no root is provided (#3224)
  * Documentation:
  * Add some docs about verifying in an air-gapped environment (#3321)
  * Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#3268)
  * docs: improves the Contribution guidelines (#3257)
  * Remove security policy (#3230)
  * Others:
  * Set go to min 1.21 and update dependencies (#3327)
  * Update contact for code of conduct (#3266)
  * Update .ko.yaml (#3240)

Updated to 2.2.0 (jsc#SLE-23879)

  * Enhancements
  * switch to uploading DSSE types to rekor instead of intoto (#3113)
  * add 'cosign sign' command-line parameters for mTLS (#3052)
  * improve error messages around bundle != payload hash (#3146)
  * make VerifyImageAttestation function public (#3156)
  * Switch to cryptoutils function for SANS (#3185)
  * Handle HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED errors in github provider (#3172)
  * Bug Fixes
  * Fix nondeterminsitic timestamps (#3121)
  * Documentation
  * doc: Add example of sign-blob with key in env var (#3152)
  * add deprecation notice for cosign-releases GCS bucket (#3148)
  * update doc links (#3186)

Updated to 2.1.1 (jsc#SLE-23879)

  * Bug Fixes
  * wait for the workers become available again to continue the execution
  * fix help text when in a container (#3082)

Updated to 2.1.0 (jsc#SLE-23879)

  * Breaking Change: The predicate is now a required flag in the attest
    commands, set via the --type flag.
  * Enhancements
  * Verify sigs and attestations in parallel (#3066)
  * Deep inspect attestations when filtering download (#3031)
  * refactor bundle validation code, add support for DSSE rekor type (#3016)
  * Allow overriding remote options (#3049)
  * feat: adds no cert found on sig exit code (#3038)
  * Make predicate a required flag in attest commands (#3033)
  * Added support for attaching Time stamp authority Response in attach command
  * Add sign --sign-container-identity CLI (#2984)
  * Feature: Allow cosign to sign digests before they are uploaded. (#2959)
  * accepts attachment-tag-prefix for cosign copy (#3014)
  * Feature: adds '\--allow-insecure-registry' for cosign load (#3000)
  * download attestation: support --platform flag (#2980)
  * Cleanup: Add Digest to the SignedEntity interface. (#2960)
  * verify command: support keyless verification using only a provided
    certificate chain with non-fulcio roots (#2845)
  * verify: use workers to limit the paralellism when verifying images with
    --max-workers flag (#3069)
  * Bug Fixes
  * Fix pkg/cosign/errors (#3050)
  * Fix: update doc to refer to github-actions oidc provider (#3040)
  * Fix: prefer GitHub OIDC provider if enabled (#3044)
  * Fix --sig-only in cosign copy (#3074)
  * Documentation
  * Fix links to sigstore/docs in markdown files (#3064)

Update to 2.0.2 (jsc#SLE-23879)

  * Enhancements
    * Update sigstore/sigstore to v1.6.2 to pick up TUF CDN change (#2891)
    * feat: Make cosign copy faster (#2901)
    * remove sget (#2885)
    * Require a payload to be provided with a signature (#2785)
  * Bug Fixes
    * cmd: Change error message from KeyParseError to PubKeyParseError for verify-blob. (#2876)
    * Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for OCI CreatedAt times (#2878)
  * Documentation
    * Remove experimental warning from Fulcio flags (#2923)
    * add missing oidc provider (#2922)
    * Add zot as a supported registry (#2920)
    * deprecates kms_support docs (#2900)
    * chore(docs) deprecate note for usage docs (#2906)
    * adds note of deprecation for examples.md docs (#2899)

## Patch Instructions:

To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like
YaST online_update or "zypper patch".  
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-2023-4870=1 openSUSE-SLE-15.4-2023-4870=1

  * openSUSE Leap 15.5  
    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-4870=1

  * Basesystem Module 15-SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP4-2023-4870=1

  * Basesystem Module 15-SP5  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP5-2023-4870=1

## Package List:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.4 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64 i586)
    * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1
    * cosign-debuginfo-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1
  * Basesystem Module 15-SP4 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1
  * Basesystem Module 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1

## References:

  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-46737.html
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1216933
  * https://jira.suse.com/login.jsp

SUSE: 2023:4870-1 moderate: cosign

December 14, 2023
* bsc#1216933 * jsc#SLE-23879 Cross-References: * CVE-2023-46737


## This update for cosign fixes the following issues: Updated to 2.2.1 (jsc#SLE-23879) * Enhancements: * CVE-2023-46737: Possible endless data attack from attacker-controlled registry (bsc#1216933) * feat: Support basic auth and bearer auth login to registry (#3310) * add support for ignoring certificates with pkcs11 (#3334) * Support ReplaceOp in Signatures (#3315) * feat: added ability to get image digest back via triangulate (#3255) * feat: add `--only` flag in `cosign copy` to copy sign, att & sbom (#3247) * feat: add support attaching a Rekor bundle to a container (#3246) * feat: add support outputting rekor response on signing (#3248) * feat: improve dockerfile verify subcommand (#3264) * Add guard flag for experimental OCI 1.1 verify. (#3272) * Deprecate SBOM attachments (#3256) * feat: dedent line in cosign copy doc (#3244) * feat: add platform flag to cosign copy command (#3234) * Add SLSA 1.0 attestation support to cosign. Closes #2860 (#3219) * attest: pass OCI remote opts to att resolver. (#3225) * Bug Fixes: * Merge pull request from GHSA-vfp6-jrw2-99g9 * fix: allow cosign download sbom when image is absent (#3245) * ci: add a OCI registry test for referrers support (#3253) * Fix ReplaceSignatures (#3292) * Stop using deprecated in_toto.ProvenanceStatement (#3243) * Fixes #3236, disable SCT checking for a cosign verification when using .. (#3237) * fix: update error in `SignedEntity` to be more descriptive (#3233) * Fail timestamp verification if no root is provided (#3224) * Documentation: * Add some docs about verifying in an air-gapped environment (#3321) * Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#3268) * docs: improves the Contribution guidelines (#3257) * Remove security policy (#3230) * Others: * Set go to min 1.21 and update dependencies (#3327) * Update contact for code of conduct (#3266) * Update .ko.yaml (#3240) Updated to 2.2.0 (jsc#SLE-23879) * Enhancements * switch to uploading DSSE types to rekor instead of intoto (#3113) * add 'cosign sign' command-line parameters for mTLS (#3052) * improve error messages around bundle != payload hash (#3146) * make VerifyImageAttestation function public (#3156) * Switch to cryptoutils function for SANS (#3185) * Handle HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED errors in github provider (#3172) * Bug Fixes * Fix nondeterminsitic timestamps (#3121) * Documentation * doc: Add example of sign-blob with key in env var (#3152) * add deprecation notice for cosign-releases GCS bucket (#3148) * update doc links (#3186) Updated to 2.1.1 (jsc#SLE-23879) * Bug Fixes * wait for the workers become available again to continue the execution (#3084) * fix help text when in a container (#3082) Updated to 2.1.0 (jsc#SLE-23879) * Breaking Change: The predicate is now a required flag in the attest commands, set via the --type flag. * Enhancements * Verify sigs and attestations in parallel (#3066) * Deep inspect attestations when filtering download (#3031) * refactor bundle validation code, add support for DSSE rekor type (#3016) * Allow overriding remote options (#3049) * feat: adds no cert found on sig exit code (#3038) * Make predicate a required flag in attest commands (#3033) * Added support for attaching Time stamp authority Response in attach command (#3001) * Add sign --sign-container-identity CLI (#2984) * Feature: Allow cosign to sign digests before they are uploaded. (#2959) * accepts attachment-tag-prefix for cosign copy (#3014) * Feature: adds '\--allow-insecure-registry' for cosign load (#3000) * download attestation: support --platform flag (#2980) * Cleanup: Add Digest to the SignedEntity interface. (#2960) * verify command: support keyless verification using only a provided certificate chain with non-fulcio roots (#2845) * verify: use workers to limit the paralellism when verifying images with --max-workers flag (#3069) * Bug Fixes * Fix pkg/cosign/errors (#3050) * Fix: update doc to refer to github-actions oidc provider (#3040) * Fix: prefer GitHub OIDC provider if enabled (#3044) * Fix --sig-only in cosign copy (#3074) * Documentation * Fix links to sigstore/docs in markdown files (#3064) Update to 2.0.2 (jsc#SLE-23879) * Enhancements * Update sigstore/sigstore to v1.6.2 to pick up TUF CDN change (#2891) * feat: Make cosign copy faster (#2901) * remove sget (#2885) * Require a payload to be provided with a signature (#2785) * Bug Fixes * cmd: Change error message from KeyParseError to PubKeyParseError for verify-blob. (#2876) * Use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for OCI CreatedAt times (#2878) * Documentation * Remove experimental warning from Fulcio flags (#2923) * add missing oidc provider (#2922) * Add zot as a supported registry (#2920) * deprecates kms_support docs (#2900) * chore(docs) deprecate note for usage docs (#2906) * adds note of deprecation for examples.md docs (#2899) ## Patch Instructions: To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch". Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: * openSUSE Leap 15.4 zypper in -t patch SUSE-2023-4870=1 openSUSE-SLE-15.4-2023-4870=1 * openSUSE Leap 15.5 zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2023-4870=1 * Basesystem Module 15-SP4 zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP4-2023-4870=1 * Basesystem Module 15-SP5 zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP5-2023-4870=1 ## Package List: * openSUSE Leap 15.4 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64 i586) * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1 * cosign-debuginfo-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1 * openSUSE Leap 15.5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64) * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1 * Basesystem Module 15-SP4 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64) * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1 * Basesystem Module 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64) * cosign-2.2.1-150400.3.14.1


* bsc#1216933

* jsc#SLE-23879


* CVE-2023-46737

CVSS scores:

* CVE-2023-46737 ( SUSE ): 3.1 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L

* CVE-2023-46737 ( NVD ): 5.3 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L

Affected Products:

* Basesystem Module 15-SP4

* Basesystem Module 15-SP5

* openSUSE Leap 15.4

* openSUSE Leap 15.5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP4

* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP4

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5

* SUSE Manager Proxy 4.3

* SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.3

* SUSE Manager Server 4.3

An update that solves one vulnerability and contains one feature can now be



* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-46737.html

* https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1216933

* https://jira.suse.com/login.jsp

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2023:4870-1
Rating: moderate

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