# Security update for MozillaThunderbird

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:0242-1  
Rating: important  

  * bsc#1218955


  * CVE-2024-0741
  * CVE-2024-0742
  * CVE-2024-0746
  * CVE-2024-0747
  * CVE-2024-0749
  * CVE-2024-0750
  * CVE-2024-0751
  * CVE-2024-0753
  * CVE-2024-0755

CVSS scores:

Affected Products:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5.5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP5
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5

An update that solves nine vulnerabilities can now be installed.

## Description:

This update for MozillaThunderbird fixes the following issues:

Update to Mozilla Thunderbird 115.7 (MFSA 2024-04) (bsc#1218955):

  * CVE-2024-0741: Out of bounds write in ANGLE
  * CVE-2024-0742: Failure to update user input timestamp
  * CVE-2024-0746: Crash when listing printers on Linux
  * CVE-2024-0747: Bypass of Content Security Policy when directive unsafe-
    inline was set
  * CVE-2024-0749: Phishing site popup could show local origin in address bar
  * CVE-2024-0750: Potential permissions request bypass via clickjacking
  * CVE-2024-0751: Privilege escalation through devtools
  * CVE-2024-0753: HSTS policy on subdomain could bypass policy of upper domain
  * CVE-2024-0755: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 122, Firefox ESR 115.7,
    and Thunderbird 115.7

Other fixes:

  * new: Autocrypt Gossip key distribution added (bmo#1853674)
  * fixed: When starting Thunderbird, unread message count did not appear on
    collapsed accounts (bmo#1862774)
  * fixed: Blank window was sometimes displayed when starting Thunderbird
  * fixed: Thunderbird "\--chrome" flag incorrectly opened extra messenger.xhtml
  * fixed: Add-ons did not start correctly when opening Thunderbird from other
    programs (bmo#1800423)
  * fixed: Drag-and-drop installation of add-ons did not work if Add-ons Manager
    was opened from Unified Toolbar (bmo#1862978)
  * fixed: Double-clicking empty space in message pane incorrectly opened the
    currently selected message (bmo#1867407)
  * fixed: Canceling SMTP send before progress reached 100% did not stop message
    from sending (bmo#1816540)
  * fixed: PDF attachments open in a separate tab did not always restore
    correctly after restarting Thunderbird (bmo#1846054)
  * fixed: Some OpenPGP dialogs were too small for their contents (bmo#1870809)
  * fixed: Account Manager did not work with hostnames entered as punycode
  * fixed: Downloading complete message from POP3 headers caused message
    tab/window to close when "Close message window/tab on move or delete" was
    enabled (bmo#1861886)
  * fixed: Some ECC GPG keys could not be exported (bmo#1867765)
  * fixed: Contacts deleted from mailing list view still visible in Details view
  * fixed: After selecting contacts in Address Book and starting a new search,
    the search results list did not update (bmo#1812726)
  * fixed: Various UX and visual improvements (bmo#1866061,bmo#18
  * fixed: Security fixes

  * Mozilla Thunderbird 115.6.1

  * new: OAuth2 now supported for comcast.net (bmo#1844810)
  * fixed: High CPU usage sometimes occurred with IMAP CONDSTORE (conditional
    STORE) enabled (bmo#1839256)
  * fixed: Replying to a collapsed thread via keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+R/Cmd+R)
    opened a reply for every message in the thread (bmo#1866819)
  * fixed: Enabling Grouped By view after reversing sort order of column header
    caused messages to be grouped incorrectly (bmo#1868794)
  * fixed: Opening thread pane context menu via keyboard did not always scroll
    view to selection (bmo#1867532)
  * fixed: New mail indicator for POP3 accounts did not indicate new messages
    ready to be downloaded (bmo#1870619)
  * fixed: Messages could not be moved to folders using Message > Move To if
    text or a link in the message had been clicked on first (bmo#1868474)
  * fixed: MIME part boundaries were not properly terminated (bmo#1805558)

## Patch Instructions:

To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like
YaST online_update or "zypper patch".  
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.5  
    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-242=1

  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP5-2024-242=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLED-15-SP4-LTSS-2024-242=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP5  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-WE-15-SP5-2024-242=1

## Package List:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x)
    * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4 (x86_64)
    * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP5 (x86_64)
    * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1
    * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1

## References:

  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0741.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0742.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0746.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0747.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0749.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0750.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0751.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0753.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0755.html
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1218955

SUSE: 2024:0242-1 important: MozillaThunderbird

January 26, 2024
* bsc#1218955 Cross-References: * CVE-2024-0741 * CVE-2024-0742


## This update for MozillaThunderbird fixes the following issues: Update to Mozilla Thunderbird 115.7 (MFSA 2024-04) (bsc#1218955): * CVE-2024-0741: Out of bounds write in ANGLE * CVE-2024-0742: Failure to update user input timestamp * CVE-2024-0746: Crash when listing printers on Linux * CVE-2024-0747: Bypass of Content Security Policy when directive unsafe- inline was set * CVE-2024-0749: Phishing site popup could show local origin in address bar * CVE-2024-0750: Potential permissions request bypass via clickjacking * CVE-2024-0751: Privilege escalation through devtools * CVE-2024-0753: HSTS policy on subdomain could bypass policy of upper domain * CVE-2024-0755: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 122, Firefox ESR 115.7, and Thunderbird 115.7 Other fixes: * new: Autocrypt Gossip key distribution added (bmo#1853674) * fixed: When starting Thunderbird, unread message count did not appear on collapsed accounts (bmo#1862774) * fixed: Blank window was sometimes displayed when starting Thunderbird (bmo#1870817) * fixed: Thunderbird "\--chrome" flag incorrectly opened extra messenger.xhtml (bmo#1866915) * fixed: Add-ons did not start correctly when opening Thunderbird from other programs (bmo#1800423) * fixed: Drag-and-drop installation of add-ons did not work if Add-ons Manager was opened from Unified Toolbar (bmo#1862978) * fixed: Double-clicking empty space in message pane incorrectly opened the currently selected message (bmo#1867407) * fixed: Canceling SMTP send before progress reached 100% did not stop message from sending (bmo#1816540) * fixed: PDF attachments open in a separate tab did not always restore correctly after restarting Thunderbird (bmo#1846054) * fixed: Some OpenPGP dialogs were too small for their contents (bmo#1870809) * fixed: Account Manager did not work with hostnames entered as punycode (bmo#1870720,bmo#1872632) * fixed: Downloading complete message from POP3 headers caused message tab/window to close when "Close message window/tab on move or delete" was enabled (bmo#1861886) * fixed: Some ECC GPG keys could not be exported (bmo#1867765) * fixed: Contacts deleted from mailing list view still visible in Details view (bmo#1799362) * fixed: After selecting contacts in Address Book and starting a new search, the search results list did not update (bmo#1812726) * fixed: Various UX and visual improvements (bmo#1866061,bmo#18 67169,bmo#1867728,bmo#1868079,bmo#1869519,bmo#1832149,bmo#185 6495,bmo#1861210,bmo#1861286,bmo#1863296,bmo#1864979) * fixed: Security fixes * Mozilla Thunderbird 115.6.1 * new: OAuth2 now supported for comcast.net (bmo#1844810) * fixed: High CPU usage sometimes occurred with IMAP CONDSTORE (conditional STORE) enabled (bmo#1839256) * fixed: Replying to a collapsed thread via keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+R/Cmd+R) opened a reply for every message in the thread (bmo#1866819) * fixed: Enabling Grouped By view after reversing sort order of column header caused messages to be grouped incorrectly (bmo#1868794) * fixed: Opening thread pane context menu via keyboard did not always scroll view to selection (bmo#1867532) * fixed: New mail indicator for POP3 accounts did not indicate new messages ready to be downloaded (bmo#1870619) * fixed: Messages could not be moved to folders using Message > Move To if text or a link in the message had been clicked on first (bmo#1868474) * fixed: MIME part boundaries were not properly terminated (bmo#1805558) ## Patch Instructions: To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch". Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: * openSUSE Leap 15.5 zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-242=1 * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5 zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP5-2024-242=1 * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4 zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLED-15-SP4-LTSS-2024-242=1 * SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP5 zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-WE-15-SP5-2024-242=1 ## Package List: * openSUSE Leap 15.5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64) * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x) * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4 (x86_64) * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP5 (x86_64) * MozillaThunderbird-debuginfo-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-debugsource-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1 * MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-115.7.0-150200.8.145.1


* bsc#1218955


* CVE-2024-0741

* CVE-2024-0742

* CVE-2024-0746

* CVE-2024-0747

* CVE-2024-0749

* CVE-2024-0750

* CVE-2024-0751

* CVE-2024-0753

* CVE-2024-0755

CVSS scores:

Affected Products:

* openSUSE Leap 15.5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5.5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP5

* SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5

An update that solves nine vulnerabilities can now be installed.


* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0741.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0742.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0746.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0747.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0749.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0750.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0751.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0753.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0755.html

* https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1218955

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:0242-1
Rating: important

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