Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6854-1
June 27, 2024

openssl vulnerability

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


OpenSSL could be made to consume resources and cause long delays if it processed
certain input.

Software Description:
- openssl: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) cryptographic library and tools


It was discovered that OpenSSL failed to choose an appropriately short
private key size when computing shared-secrets in the Diffie-Hellman Key
Agreement Protocol. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause
OpenSSL to consume resources, resulting in a denial of service.

Update instructions:

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  libssl3                         3.0.2-0ubuntu1.16
  openssl                         3.0.2-0ubuntu1.16

After a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make all the
necessary changes.


Package Information:

Alex Murray
Staff Engineer | Security Engineering
Adelaide, Australia (GMT+0930)

Ubuntu 6854-1: OpenSSL Security Advisory Updates

June 27, 2024
OpenSSL could be made to consume resources and cause long delays if it processed certain input.


A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives: - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Summary: OpenSSL could be made to consume resources and cause long delays if it processed certain input. Software Description: - openssl: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) cryptographic library and tools Details: It was discovered that OpenSSL failed to choose an appropriately short private key size when computing shared-secrets in the Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause OpenSSL to consume resources, resulting in a denial of service.

Update Instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS libssl3 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.16 openssl 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.16 After a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make all the necessary changes.




Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6854-1

Package Information

https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/3.0.2-0ubuntu1.16 -- Alex Murray Staff Engineer | Security Engineering Adelaide, Australia (GMT+0930)

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