Advertising Information Overview

Making the most of online marketing budgets is the key to success of any online marketing promotion. will help you to reach new prospects, strengthen your brand image and improve communications with your customers. It is the best way to get your message in front of interested customers using the only web site on the Internet devoted to Open Source security issues.

The Web site delivers timely and authoritative news, advice, product reviews and feature stories, and attracts the entire range of technical buyers from the home user to the corporate IT professional running multiple versions of Linux. Visitors of the web site are highly-technical, security-conscious users of Open Source software. This provides you with a very targeted audience for which to advertise your products. is the most authoritative resource for security professionals and administrators. We not only focus on security issues that might impact the Linux and open source communities, but also include general industry news including trends, server security, security techniques, e-commerce, and more. We have garnered the attention of IT executives, administrators, major online news publications, and major decision makers from organizations including NASA, DOJ, Axent, CA, IBM and many others on a daily basis.

As an advertiser on LinuxSecurity, you will effectively deliver your message to security-minded end users and professional users that come to LinuxSecurity as the focal point for all their security issues.

Advertising Options has several means to reach potential customers.

Banner Advertising

Banner Ad Sizes and Specifications

Maximum file size is 15K per banner. All banners are required to be in GIF (standard or animated), JPG, or PNG graphic formats. Animated GIFs can loop indefinately.

Currently, banners are displayed along the top TitleBar and appear on all pages throughout the site. Other locations will be available shortly. Ad banners are currently available in 468x60 sizes. Special arrangements can be made for other sizes.

Banner Ad Rates and Discounts

Advertising rates for all images are computed on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) impression basis. Banner advertisements are placed on a random rotation basis, so that single and multiple-visit users have the same chance of seeing your ad.

    Net Rates
    Number of Impressions Cost Per Thousand (CPM) If Served By Third-Party
    50K - 100k $30 $35
    100K - 249K $25 $30
    250K- 500K $22 $24
    500K+ $20 $23
    Minimum Purchase: 50K at $30 CPM = $1500
    Minimum Purchase by Third-Party: 50K at $35 CPM = $1750

    Typically, ads are up and running within two business days of placing your order.

Volume Discounts and Frequent Advertisers Program offers discounts to advertisers that pay ahead of airtime or advertise on a long-term or ongoing basis. Speak to one of our sales associates for further information.

Sponsorship Advertising

Our Sponsors section, located prominently at the top of the site, is a popular section on our site among our advertisers, and unique to This provides the advertiser with space for 40 or so words to describe a bit about the product or service, a link to the relevant portion of your Web site, and the display of a corporate image or logo. Our current advertisers in this section are extremely pleased with the results -- many of which have continued a campaign for more than six months.

Monthly sponsorship advertising is available for $3100 per 100,000 page impressions.

Newsletter Advertising

Our newsletter campaign includes e-mail distribution of a maximum of five lines of content to approximately 16,000 recipients subscribed to two e-mail newsletters. Our Linux Advisory Watch is a comprehensive newsletter that outlines the security vulnerabilities that have been announced throughout the week. Our Linux Security Week newsletter provides readers with a quick summary of each week's most relevant Linux security headlines.

Products and Services Guide Listings is proud to support vendors and distributors of security products that run with Linux. Our Vendors and Products section allows you to introduce your new products and services to a targeted audience interested in exactly your type of product.

There is no charge for this service.

Payment Options

For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard, as well Company Checks, payable to Guardian Digital, Inc.

How To Place Your Order

Call our sales department at (201) 934-9230. You may also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What ClickThrough rate can I expect for my ad?

The industry standard clickthrough rate is anywhere from 0.25% to 2% for sites such as ZD Net, Yahoo!, and other industry leaders. Since our audience and content are 100% related to Open Source and security, we also achieve a similar clickthrough rate. Effective ads that target security-minded decision makers tend to produce better results.

Q: What benefit is there to me when my ad is displayed but does not produce a clickthrough?

By advertising on, your message will be seen by very technical users as well as corporate decision makers. Just like running an advertisement in a magazine, viewers will notice your product and remain aware of your company when they do make a buying decision. Ads which are displayed but not clicked upon also serves to build your corporate brand recognition and help to establish you as a major force in the industry.

Q: Why do you charge more for ads served by third-parties?

Third-party ad servers require more custom programming work on our site, and also produce less current and less accurate reporting about the campaign being served.

The majority of the third-party ad servers admit to more than 10% error rate. Mis-reporting of one-out-of-ten impressions served is not an acceptible number to us, and should not be to you as well.

Additionally, there is no single standard of programming, nor any regulation for the third-party industry. Each third-party advertisement requires additional programming by our staff. This is costly and time-consuming, resulting in higher costs for the advertiser.