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Do you have a great story to tell? We’re always looking for stories related to Linux and open source security, cybersecurity, latest security trends, security research and security software reviews.

We’re also interested in tips, HOWTOs, FAQs and new terms for our dictionary.

Articles must be at least 1200 words, written at an intermediate to advanced level, and be directly related to one of the topics listed here.

Thank you for your interest in collaborating with the LinuxSecurity community! LinuxSecurity was started in 1995 by Linux community member Dave Wreski, and continually updated by members of the Open Source community like you.

We’re a group of Linux advocates, security geeks and cybersecurity professionals who believe in the Open Source model and how it can be used in cybersecurity. It is our mission to serve as the central voice of Linux and open source security news with content driven by the security needs expressed by our community of readers. strives to provide objective and helpful information about security as it relates to the fast-growing, revolutionary open source product that is Linux.

Are you passionate about Open Source, privacy, cryptography and other topics that impact Linux users? Are you able to write high-quality, informative content? If so, we would love to consider you as a LinuxSecurity contributor.