34.Key AbstractDigital Esm W900

With hundreds of thousands of open-source projects underway, it’s easy to say that open-source has become a standard in software development. And when discussing open source, the first development environment that comes to mind is Linux. 

One factor contributing to Linux’s popularity is security, among the most attractive features of blockchain, a strategic technology trend we’ve seen in the past few years. 

Because of blockchain's level of security and decentralized nature, incorporating this technology into a wide range of industries holds significant promise.

As such, it only makes sense for developers to explore blockchain use within the Linux environment. In this article, we delve into five open-source blockchain technologies for Linux. But first, let’s examine what blockchain is, how it works, and how its application has evolved over the years.

Understanding Blockchain

Server Security Esm W500Blockchain is the record-keeping technology behind the Bitcoin network. In this context, the words “block” and “chain” describe digital information (the “block”) stored in a public database (the “chain”). Blockchain refers to multiple blocks strung together. For a block to be added to the blockchain, a series of criteria must be met: a transaction has to occur and be verified, and that transaction must be stored in a block and given a unique identification code known as a “hash.” Once a block is added to the blockchain, it becomes publicly available for anyone to view.

Blockchain technology is designed to be highly secure, accounting for potential security issues in several ways. First, new blocks are always stored linearly and chronologically. Because each block contains its hash and the hash of the block before it, it is very difficult for malicious actors to edit the contents of a block. To change a single block, they would have to change every single block after it in the blockchain - a virtually impossible task. 

Blockchain addresses the issue of trust by implementing tests called “consensus models” for computers looking to join and add blocks to the chain. These consensus models require users to “prove” themselves before they are allowed to participate in a blockchain network. One of the most popular testing methods is “proof of work,” where computers must prove that they have done “work” by solving a complex computational math problem before adding a block to the blockchain.

Overview of the Evolution of Blockchain

Blockchain has come a long way since the 2009 Genesis Block transaction. It was initially launched to create a decentralized version of the financial sector, particularly in transferring funds from one person’s account to another without a middleman (and, therefore, without transaction fees).

However, blockchain is being studied for many different applications outside of finance. We previously mentioned the healthcare industry, which blockchain can significantly benefit patient data management, clinical trials, and drug traceability. 

Blockchain could also prove to be a game-changer in the agriculture sector. For one, the blockchain ledger allows farmers to create accurate documentation and reports, which could prevent illegal food trade that costs farmers around US$40 billion a year.

The music industry could also benefit significantly from turning to blockchain technology. With the help of blockchain, artists may not have to contend with the hefty commissions that go-betweens take. With blockchain, revenue from a song could easily be divided among those with royalty rights - and every transaction would be transparent.

Finally, blockchain could help the cybersecurity industry in its never-ending fight against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Leveraging blockchain technology is like fighting fire with fire— its decentralized nature could defend against DDoS attacks.

Developers need an agile, secure platform to explore blockchain's wide range of possibilities fully. Here are five great open-source blockchain platforms compatible with the Linux environment.

5 Open-Source Blockchain Technologies for Linux Users

Many great open-source blockchain technologies are available to Linux users. Our top five are as follows:


Hyperledger Esm W207Hyperledger is more than just an open-source blockchain project - it’s an umbrella project comprising 12 other projects, the most popular of which is Hyperledger Fabric. The platform has been used to develop different tools and solutions in several industries, such as:

  • Advertising
  • Agriculture
  • Data access
  • Insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Finance



Ethereum Esm W225Ethereum has already made a name for itself as the blockchain platform that made smart contracts well-known. Ethereum also has a permission and open-source enterprise version that allows businesses to create blockchain applications. Several Enterprise Ethereum applications have gone live and are being used across various industries. For example, Utah County uses Enterprise Ethereum through Titan Seal to send users digital marriage licenses and certificates.

In 2018, Enterprise Ethereum became an open-source collaboration between Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) and Hyperledger. Both communities aim to hasten the advancement of blockchain technology.



Hydrachain Esm W173Like its parent platform, Ethereum, HydraChain allows developers to create a Permissioned Blockchain—a type of blockchain that requires participating parties to perform specific actions before access is granted. It was developed by Ethereum and Brainbot Technologies and is fully compatible with Ethereum protocols.

HydraChain is primarily used to deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications using Python. As it is Python-based, its development time is significantly reduced, and debugging is easy. The platform is also highly customizable. Users can easily adjust essential aspects such as gas limits, transaction fees, and block time. 

HydraChain is available on GitHub.



Corda Esm W230What sets Corda apart from other platforms is that it does not make transactions available to the public. Corda has the interoperability of the blockchain network, but its privacy policy is stringent. Data can only be seen by authorized entities. Corda mainly targets companies in the financial industry, where privacy and security are top priorities. Prominent organizations that support Corda include U.S. Bank and HSBC.

Smart contracts using the Corda framework require human intervention, although the execution depends on the computer code. These smart contracts are legally enforceable as a safety measure against human input. Users who act unfairly or do not honor the smart contract within the Corda network are liable for litigation.

To develop on the Corda Platform using Ubuntu, you need a computer running Ubuntu 16.04 or above.



BDB Esm W225An attractive feature of BigchainDB is that it is based on a production-ready database. BigchainDB is built using several enterprise-ready database nodes (MongoDB), which store immutable data in an organized and synchronized manner.

With BigchainDB, users can enforce strict access control by setting permissions at the transaction level. Depending on their requirements, users can also custom-fit different aspects of BigchainDB. Perhaps the system's signature aspect is that it is designed to host large datasets.

One application of BigChainDB is Resonate, a music streaming service that operates in a cooperative setting. The platform allows artists to receive payments directly from listeners, eliminating intermediaries and associated costs.

Our Final Thoughts on Open-Source Blockchain Technologies

The five open-source blockchain platforms we’ve introduced here are already used in different applications across several industries. Some developers and entities are attracted to blockchain's stringent security features, but the technology’s decentralized nature is the game-changer.

We are still in the early days of decentralization, with blockchain technology at the forefront of this innovation. While we see blockchain being explored in different industries, more applications will be developed as it continues gaining popularity. Open-source blockchain technologies have the potential to hasten the process as hundreds of companies and thousands of developers join hands. One thing’s for sure—the ever-growing Linux community will contribute significantly to advancing open-source blockchain technology.