What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for distributing and sharing web content. RSS is a subset of XML and must conform to the XML 1.0 specification.

Most of the content on LinuxSecurity.com such as news, advisories, and feature stories is available via RSS.

How are these RSS feeds different from the old RDF feeds?

The RDF feeds were based on a very old version of RSS. These new RSS 2.0 feeds include the first paragraph from the article, the source of the article, and other attributes.

How do I use LinuxSecurity.com's RSS feeds?

In order to take advantage of these RSS feeds you need an RSS aggregator, which periodically downloads the RSS file(s) and formats them into a usable format.

Below are links to several popular RSS aggregators:

  • Feedspot - a news aggregator and feed reader app that allows users to access their favorite blogs, websites, and news sources in one place.
  • Feedreader - a lightweight open-source aggregator for Microsoft Windows.

LinuxSecurity.com RSS Feeds

We offer four RSS feeds which are available below:

Rss   Hybrid - Most recent advisories, news stories, and feature stories.
Rss   Advisories - Most recent Linux vendor security advisories.
Rss   Latest News - Most recent news articles.
Rss   Features - Most recent feature stories by the editorial staff.


Distribution RSS Advisories:

Below you will find a list of 12 of the most popular distributions in use today. Each link will add that specific distribution's Advisory RSS feed based on your computer's settings.

If there are any other distribution's that you think should be added, please contact our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dist Fedora Fedora Advisories Rss
Dist Debian Debian Advisories Rss
Dist Engardesecurelinux EnGarde Advisories Rss
Dist Freebsd FreeBSD Advisories Rss
Dist Gentoo Gentoo Advisories Rss
Dist Openbsd OpenBSD Advisories Rss
Dist Redhat Red Hat Advisories Rss
Dist Slackware Slackware Advisories Rss
Dist Suse Suse Advisories Rss
Dist Ubuntu Ubuntu Advisories Rss
Dist Foresight Foresight Advisories Rss
Dist Mandriva Mandriva Advisories Rss