The Office of Management and Budget and the federal CIO Council have decided to disband the council's Security, Privacy and Critical Infrastructure Committee to move beyond general issues to the "nitty-gritty details," said Mark Forman, OMB's associate director for information technology . . .
The Office of Management and Budget and the federal CIO Council have decided to disband the council's Security, Privacy and Critical Infrastructure Committee to move beyond general issues to the "nitty-gritty details," said Mark Forman, OMB's associate director for information technology and e-government. Such details include making sure agencies have adequate training programs, the right people and the proper security architectures in place to address governmentwide security vulnerabilities.

The CIO Council completed a total reorganization last month to better focus on e-government issues and eliminated all but three committees. Jim Flyzik, vice chairman of the council, said at the time that the group had not decided what to do with the security committee. But last week, Forman said security and privacy issues will be folded into the council's other committees.

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