According to the defacement archive at, the hacker group known as the 'sm0ked crew' only terrorised websites throughout February of last year. But that was maybe enough for one member of the crew, Splurge, who decided to call it quits and go straight in the security industry.. . .
According to the defacement archive at, the hacker group known as the 'sm0ked crew' only terrorised websites throughout February of last year. But that was maybe enough for one member of the crew, Splurge, who decided to call it quits and go straight in the security industry.

Eighteen-year-old Splurge, who withheld his real name, contacted to tell us his story. What prompted him to switch from a life of box breaking and defacing, to the somewhat more acceptable career of a security consultant selling denial of service (DoS) filter systems?

"It's not the feds you have to worry about, it's always the other hackers that bring you down," he said. "They love to fight each other. They'll nark on you to the FBI just to get you off the scene."

The link for this article located at vnunet is no longer available.