Companies seeking to ensure they are as impervious as possible to the latest computer viruses and to the Internet's most talented hackers often find themselves in need of -- the Internet's most talented hackers. . . .
Companies seeking to ensure they are as impervious as possible to the latest computer viruses and to the Internet's most talented hackers often find themselves in need of -- the Internet's most talented hackers.

Some of these so-called "white-hat" hackers hold high positions in various enterprises, including security companies, but analysts told NewsFactor that they rarely carry the actual title "chief hacking officer" because companies tend to be a bit skittish about the connotation.

Still, some security pros -- such as Aliso Viejo, California-based Eeye Security's Marc Maiffret -- do carry the "CHO" title, and few argue the point that in order to protect themselves from the best hackers and crackers, companies need to hire them.