Welcome to Security Alerts, an overview of recent Unix and open source security advisories. In this column, we look at trojaned networking tools; a new version of OpenSSH; buffer overflows in fetchmail, mnews, Debian Solaris Netstd, Informix, and BannerWheel; and problems . . .
Welcome to Security Alerts, an overview of recent Unix and open source security advisories. In this column, we look at trojaned networking tools; a new version of OpenSSH; buffer overflows in fetchmail, mnews, Debian Solaris Netstd, Informix, and BannerWheel; and problems in dhcpd, Sendmail, Solaris' rwalld, and FreeBSD's rc.

On May 17th, 2002, the dsniff-2.3, fragroute-1.2, and fragrouter-1.6 tar files on monkey.org were replaced with versions that included trojan back door code. This was discovered and the system was restored a week later. Monkey.org has taken steps to increase their security and has installed OpenBSD-current.

Anyone who downloaded one of these packages during this time period should disable the package, if it was installed, and replace it with a new version. It is also recommended that anyone running a version that was downloaded during this time period check their system carefully for any sign that their system has been cracked.