A new technique for disguising programs aimed at cracking corporate networks could raise the stakes in the heated battle between hackers and security experts. During a seminar last week at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, a hacker named "K2" . . .
A new technique for disguising programs aimed at cracking corporate networks could raise the stakes in the heated battle between hackers and security experts. During a seminar last week at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, a hacker named "K2" revealed a program he created that can camouflage the tiny programs that malicious hackers generally use to crack through system security.

The cloaking technique is aimed at foiling the pattern-recognition intelligence used by many intrusion detection systems, or IDSes--the burglar alarms of the Internet.

"Trust me, this will blow away any pattern matching," said K2. The hacker would not reveal his real name because he also works as a security consultant.

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