Republicans and Democrats may hold to different ideologies, but they're pretty much the same -- lame -- when it comes to locking down wireless, a Boston-area firm said Thursday.

As it did in late July when the Democrats held their convention in Boston, Newbury Networks, a provider of location-based wireless security solutions, conducted a "wardrive" around Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican National Convention that wraps up today. . . .

Republicans and Democrats may hold to different ideologies, but they're pretty much the same -- lame -- when it comes to locking down wireless, a Boston-area firm said Thursday.

As it did in late July when the Democrats held their convention in Boston, Newbury Networks, a provider of location-based wireless security solutions, conducted a "wardrive" around Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican National Convention that wraps up today.

Newbury's casual cruise on August 24 found thousands of unsecured wireless access points and adapters and hundreds of vulnerable wireless networks near Madison Square Garden.

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