Smurf attacks can be devastating, both to the victim network and to the network(s) used to amplify the attack. An Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Smurf attack is a brute-force attack on the direct broadcast feature that is built in to . . .
Smurf attacks can be devastating, both to the victim network and to the network(s) used to amplify the attack. An Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Smurf attack is a brute-force attack on the direct broadcast feature that is built in to the IP protocol. Keep your network safe from the attack by filtering your outbound traffic, and ensure that you are not an amplifier of this attack by limiting broadcast traffic appropriately. If you do get hit, I've shown you some ways to minimise the damage and track down the culprit. Smurf attacks can be devastating, but proper preparation can minimise their ability to propagate and their effect on your network.

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