Secure wireless software developer Columbitech of Stockholm and New York, whose wireless VPN technology powers Symbol's AirBEAM brand of products, is supporting Linux servers in its latest version. This move is key for the company because it helps customers save . . .
Secure wireless software developer Columbitech of Stockholm and New York, whose wireless VPN technology powers Symbol's AirBEAM brand of products, is supporting Linux servers in its latest version. This move is key for the company because it helps customers save money.

"Linux lets people do cost effective implementations. You don't have to license from Microsoft and the functionality is stripped to just what you need," says Pontus Bergdahl, CEO at Columbitech.

The support is specifically for Linux Red Hat servers. Previously Columbitech's Wireless Suite supported Windows NT/2000 servers. Eventually they hope to expand to having embedded Linux clients and Unix servers.

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