Even before the CanSecWest security conference started on Wednesday, unknown hackers had given the hotel's high-speed network a case of the hiccups. By Wednesday evening, the system was laid out flat. The pros were peeved, and a call for an electronic posse went out. . . .
Even before the CanSecWest security conference started on Wednesday, unknown hackers had given the hotel's high-speed network a case of the hiccups. By Wednesday evening, the system was laid out flat. The pros were peeved, and a call for an electronic posse went out.

"We're forming a hunting party," Dragos Ruiu, independent security consultant and conference organizer, told the room of nearly 150 hackers and security experts late Thursday afternoon. "If anyone wants to help us find out who's...poisoning the hotel network, talk to me."

But that evening, the vandal stayed offline and the hotel network was, for a little while, glitch free.

Networks don't come much more hostile than those at the CanSecWest security conference. The three-day conference brought together hackers, security consultants, and government officials to talk tech about the latest tools and trends in the online arena.

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