28.Lock Globe Esm W900

Tails, an open-source, portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship, has released version 5.22 with various updates and security features that privacy-conscious users and admins will surely appreciate. Here's what's new in this release and how you can upgrade to Tails 5.22 to reap the benefits it offers. · 

What New Features Does Tails 5.22 Offer?

Notable features of Tails 5.22 include:

  • Tor Browser now allows you to save files in more folders. Documents, Downloads Music, Pictures and Videos. These folders can be used to upload files.

  • Tails will now try to fix your file system if you have a broken Persistent Store when you unlock it on the Welcome Screen.

Tails Esm W318Notable Updates and Changes

Updates and changes introduced in this release include:

  • Report the write rate after cloning from Tails Cloner.

  • Don't try to unlock or remove persistent storage on a USB read-only stick.

  • Upgrade the Tor browser to 13.0.9.

  • Update Thunderbird to 115.7.

Problems Fixed

Various problems have been fixed in Tails 5.22, such as:

  • Stop leaking first-level domains of visited websites from the WhisperBack report. This problem first appeared in Tails 5.15.1.

  • Fixing occasional errors attribute error: Object 'NoneType" has no attribute "props" will make Tails installation more robust.

  • Fix for saving the Additional Software configuration when creating a Persistent Storage. 

  • Fixing the help link that is displayed when Tails fails to start the first time after resizing the partition.

For more details, read the Tails changelog.

How Can I Get Tails 5.22?

Upgrade your Tails USB Stick and keep Persistent storage

  • Tails 5.22 and later can be upgraded automatically.

  • Please try a Manual Upgrade if you cannot upgrade automatically or if Tails does not start after the automatic upgrade.

Install Tails onto a USB stick

Install the software by following the instructions below:

Download only

You can download Tails directly if you don't require installation or upgrade instructions:

Let's Connect!

Have additional questions about this exciting release or how to get it for yourself? Have thoughts and feedback to share on Tails 5.22? Connect with us on X @lnxsec - we'd love to help you out or discuss your experience!

Learn more about Tails OS and other secure, privacy-centric Linux distros we love in this must-read article.