The Apache Software Foundation runs its open source projects on a hierarchy of principally three levels, top-level projects (TLPs), sub-projects and incubated projects. Achieving the TLP status is a major milestone for an open source effort and this week Apache announced that six projects were being graduated to TLP status.
Among the six new TLPs, is the Apache Traffic Server, a project that was originally an incubated effort by Yahoo (NASDAQ: YHOO) in 2009. The Traffic Server is also being updated to version 2.0 this week as the technology continues to grow under the direction of the Apache model.

"It's the fundamental goal of being in incubation that you succeed and graduate," Leif Hedstrom, Chairperson of the Apache Traffic Server project, told "It signifies that our community and software have been well-governed under the ASF's meritocratic, consensus-driven process and principles."

In addition to the Traffic Server, five former sub-projects of existing TLPs have now moved up. Three of the new TLPs were formerly sub-projects of Apache Lucene. They include the Apache Mahout machine learning algorithms effort and Apache Tika which is a toolkit for content detection and analysis. The Apache Nutch Web search engine is also moving up to TLP status. Rounding out the list of new TLPs are a pair of Apache Hadoop sub-projects including the Avro data serialization project and the HBase distributed database.

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