Wouldn't it be great to have the ability to stop email-borne virus traffic, arguably the most ubiquitous kind, at the server level where you control the action? If this idea appeals to you, read on.. . .
Wouldn't it be great to have the ability to stop email-borne virus traffic, arguably the most ubiquitous kind, at the server level where you control the action? If this idea appeals to you, read on.

Enter the MailScanner package, written and maintained by Julian K Field of the UK's University of Southampton. In addition to virus scanning, MailScanner offers integration with SpamAssassin for heuristic SPAM detection and filtering. MailScanner is queue-based and will scan both inbound messages (for local delivery) and outbound messages sent by your internal users. Messages awaiting scanning sit in one queue and messages scanned and ready to be delivered wait in another. MailScanner provides the mechanism for moving messages from one queue to another.

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