Hello Linux users, 

Today, I’m alerting you of severe security vulnerabilities recently discovered by the X.Org server that provides the graphical interface for virtually every Linux desktop. These vulnerabilities could lead to heap overflows, out-of-bounds writes, and privilege escalation, potentially resulting in unauthorized access to your Linux environment or complete system compromise!

Read on to learn if your distro is impacted and how to mitigate your risk. You'll also learn about other significant vulnerabilities recently discovered and fixed in your open-source programs and applications. 

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Stay safe out there,

Brittany Signature 150 Esm W150


The Discovery 

Multiple severe security vulnerabilities were recently discovered in the popular runC command line tool. These vulnerabilities, collectively known as Leaky Vessels, allow threat actors to break out of containers and gain unauthorized access to the host operating system. The most severe flaw revolves around the "WORKDIR" command and can be exploited by running a malicious image or building a container image using a malicious Dockerfile.

Runc Esm W332

The Impact

These container vulnerabilities can give attackers unauthorized access to the underlying host operating system, potentially compromising sensitive data and granting superuser privileges.

The Fix

These bugs have been addressed in runC version 1.1.12. Given these vulnerabilities’ threat to affected systems, if left unpatched, we urge all impacted users to update as soon as possible.  Doing so will secure your sensitive data and protect against privilege escalation attacks on your Linux systems.

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The Discovery 

Have you updated to mitigate the critical vulnerability recently identified in the Shim program, which is used in Linux distributions that support secure boot? This flaw allows an attacker to craft a specific malicious HTTP request, resulting in a completely controlled out-of-bounds write primitive and full system compromise. This severe Shim bug can be exploited by compromising a server or performing a man-in-the-middle impersonation to target a device configured to boot using HTTP.  It can also be exploited by having physical access to a device or gaining administrative control via another vulnerability.

LinuxKernel Esm W206

The Impact

This dangerous vulnerability could allow an attacker to execute remote code, potentially resulting in complete system compromise.

The Fix

Essential updates have been released to fix this impactful issue. Given this vulnerability’s threat to affected systems, if left unpatched, we strongly recommend that all impacted users update to the latest version of Shim now. Updating will protect against potential attacks leading to compromise.

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The Discovery 

Distros continue to release important security advisory updates addressing multiple severe security vulnerabilities recently discovered in the X.Org server before 21.1.11 and Xwayland display implementations before 23.2.4. These security bugs could lead to heap overflows, out-of-bounds writes, and privilege escalation, enabling attackers to view additional infrastructure to attack, add or delete users, or modify permissions of files or other users. The initial fix for these vulnerabilities was identified as incomplete, resulting in a possible regression.

Xorg Esm W251

The Impact

The impact of these flaws could be severe, ranging from unauthorized access to your Linux environment to complete system compromise.

The Fix

An X.Org security update has been released to fix these flaws and this regression. We urge all impacted users to apply these updates immediately. Patching will protect your systems against exploits leading to compromise.

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