Happy Monday fellow Linux geeks and Open Source enthusiasts! In this week's newsletter we tell the story behind the Linux Security Quick Reference Guide, a helpful resource that provides an interesting glimpse into the evolution of Linux security over the past two decades, and provide you with the ability to download a PDF version of the guide.

We also compare some of the most popular VPN protocols to help you decide which one to use for your use case. 

Finally, we explore what OSINT is & some open-source OSINT reconnaissance techniques & tools you can use to get started.

Hope you enjoy!

Yours in Open Source,

Brittany Signature 150 Esm W150

Open Source OSINT Tools and Techniques

10.FingerPrint Locks Esm W263Ever wondered what it would be like to be a superhero? Being an OSINT user could be the next best thing! Learn more about what OSINT is & some open-source OSINT reconnaissance techniques & tools you can use to get started.

Learn more about open source osint tools and techniques


The Story Behind the Linux Security Quick Reference Guide

1.Penguin Landscape Esm W254A memoir written by Dave Wreski, Guardian Digital CEO, Founder of LinuxSecurity.com and author of the Linux Security Quick Reference Guide and Linux Security HOWTO. Please download and share this resource with your Linux-using friends, family or colleagues who may find it helpful, or who may appreciate the interesting glimpse it provides into the evolution of Linux security over the past two decades!

Learn more about the story behind the linux security quick reference guide


Open-Source VPN Protocols Compared: Why WireGuard is on the Rise!

13.Lock StylizedMotherboard Esm W266There are many reasons why one might choose a VPN whether it be for privacy or unlocking geo-restricted content however, no one really takes into account the VPN protocols that these VPN providers use. In this article, we will compare some of the most popular VPN protocols to help you decide which one to use for your use case. 

Learn more about open source vpn protocols compared why wireguard is on the rise