Thank you for reading our Linux Security Week newsletter! In this weekly newsletter, we strive to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the week's most relevant open source security news.

This week, we cover Linux rootkits and how to protect against them, how to install security updates in Debian and Ubuntu and our favorite file and disk encryption tools for Linux. We want to provide you with the type of content you are interested in, and would love to hear your thoughts on this week's articles.

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by AlmaLinux, the forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, and providing a robust production-grade platform.

Yours in Open Source,

Brittany Signature 150 Esm W150

What You Need To Know About Linux Rootkits

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Rootkits are an effective way for attackers to hide their tracks and keep access to the machines over which they have gained control. Read on to learn about rootkits, how to detect them and how to prevent them from being installed on your system in the first place.

Learn more about what you need to know about linux rootkit

Complete Guide to Installing Security Updates in Debian & Ubuntu

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Whether you are a DevSecOps engineer responsible for managing your organization’s application infrastructure or you have your own personal Linux server that you use at home, the importance of keeping your systems safe and secure against malicious attacks by bad actors cannot be over emphasized. This article will walk you through specific steps you need to patch your Ubuntu and Debian based systems to ensure they remain updated and secure.

Learn more about how to install security updates in ubuntu debian

Best File & Disk Encryption Tools for Linux

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As we rapidly transition to an increasingly digital society, data protection is a greater concern than ever before. Encryption is one of the most effective and widely used methods of securing senstive information from unauthorized parties. In this article, we'll introduce you to eight open-source file and disk encrytion tools we love to help you safeguard critical data and protect your privacy online. 

Learn more about top 8 file and disk encryption tools for linux