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U.S. Court Limits Online Porn Censorship


A U.S. court has stopped the state of Virginia from enforcing a 1999 law that criminalizes use of the Internet to sell or otherwise provide sexually explicit material that is "harmful to minors." U.S. District Court Judge J. Harry Michael, Jr. . . .

Germany And China Censoring The Net


China has shut down a "dissident" web site run by a pro-democracy human rights group. And in Berlin, the German government has began to block Nazi slogans as German Web addresses after discovering someone had registered

FBI Agrees To Release Carnivore Details


Pushed by a court hearing and growing press attention, the FBI on Wednesday agreed to expedite its release of documents detailing the inner workings of Carnivore, its controversial electronic wiretap system that scans private E-mail through Internet service providers. But ISPs . . .

They Know Where You're Shopping


Chris Hughes was surprised when Internet merchant PayPal rejected his credit card last week, but was even more surprised when he found out why. PayPal's credit card verification service, Cybersource Corp., indicated Hughes was a high risk because he had used . . .