SuSE Essential and Critical Security Patch Updates - Page 778

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SuSE: 2003-047: bind8 Security Update


To resolve IP addresses to host and domain names and vice versa the To resolve IP addresses to host and domain names and vice versa the DNS service needs to be consulted. The most popular DNS software is DNS service needs to be consulted. The most popular DNS software is the BIND8 and BIND9 suite. The BIND8 code is vulnerable to a remote denial-of-service attack by poisoning the cache with a [More...]

SuSE: 2003-046: sane Security Update


The sane (Scanner Access Now Easy) package provides access to scanners The sane (Scanner Access Now Easy) package provides access to scanners either locally or remotely over the network. either locally or remotely over the network. Several bugs in sane were fixed to avoid remote denial-of-service attacks. These attacks can even be executed if the remote attacker is not allowed to access th [More...]

SuSE: 2003-045: hylafax Security Update


Hylafax is an Open Source fax server which allows sharing of fax Hylafax is an Open Source fax server which allows sharing of fax equipment among computers by offering its service to clients by equipment among computers by offering its service to clients by a protocol similar to FTP. The SuSE Security Team found a format bug condition during a code review of the hfaxd server. It allows remo [More...]

SuSE: 2003-044: thttpd Security Update


Two vulnerabilities were found in the "tiny" web-server thttpd. Two vulnerabilities were found in the "tiny" web-server thttpd. The first bug is a buffer overflow that can be exploited remotely The first bug is a buffer overflow that can be exploited remotely to overwrite the EBP register of the stack. Due to memory-alignment of the stack done by gcc 3.x this bug can not be exploited. All th [More...]