How to: Harden My Filesystem in Linux - Page 3

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Lock-Down Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy-Gibbon


Ubuntu Gutsy-Gibbon on the brain? Looking to set up a solid defense with Intrusion Detection Snort, MySQL and more? HowToForge has a great guide from a contributor, Devilman: In this tutorial I will describe how to install and configure Snort (an intrusion detection system (IDS)) from source, BASE (Basic Analysis and Security Engine), MySQL, and Apache2 on Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon). Snort will assist you in monitoring your network and alert you about possible threats. Snort will output its log files to a MySQL database which BASE will use to display a graphical interface in a web browser. Read on...

Securing and Hardening Red Hat Linux Production Systems


This is a recently found HOWTO, and is an amazing and comprehensive resource for getting many different Linux systems secure. This Linux Security HOWTO is intended for a technical audience, Linux system administrators, and security people in corporations and organizations that have to use commercial Linux distributions for their production environment. Check out the index for a complete listing of what this HOWTos Cover. The description also states it is "A Practical Guide to Basic Linux Security in Production Enterprise Environments" Written by Werner Puschitz

Adding Modules to BackTrack In linux


BackTrack, the penetration testing distribution, is a great LIve-CD to test a system and tear it apart. This HOWTO: One of BackTracks' most appealing features is it's modularity. As an end user, you can add your own modules scripts and tools to the livecd.

Protecting Data with Encrypted Linux Partitions


All too often, you hear the story of how X number of laptops or social security numbers were stolen from company Y. And why is so little attention paid to how and why that information was left unprotected and so easily accessible? There are many ways to combat this problem. One of the best ways is with encryption. And Carla Schroder takes us through a great way Today let us focus on the issue of protecting sensitive data on hard drives with encrypted file systems. This is for your mobile users and anyone who needs extra data security on workstations and servers. We're going to use cryptsetup-luks because it is easy and it is strong. We will create an encrypted partition that requires a passphrase only at mount time. Then you can use it just like any other partition. Nice summary and easy to follow.

How to Secure Ubuntu With AppArmor


AppArmor is one way to protect your assets on your Ubuntu Gutsy system. AppArmor attempts to protect processes on the server or desktop from security threats. AppArmor enforces limits on what processes can access on the system. It attempts to restrict processes to those resources that the process requires to function only. If you wanted to give AppArmor a try, and SELinux isn't your flavor, get your start here.

Giving RSYNC a run for its money: Duplicity???


According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, duplicity is defined as "contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action." To the more Linux-initiated, however, it is an exceedingly useful tool. Make no mistakes about it, Duplicity is a very capable way of encrypting data and throwing its weight around against the standard Rsync. Read here to learn more about why duplicity is an alternative worth looking into.

Why Linux Threats Mean Business


Linux-related security issues are an increasing threat to businesses. Discover a solution that protects complex networks with vital on-access scanning capabilities, automatic updating and intuitive management functions.

Cryptoloop HOWTO


This document explains how to create encrypted file systems using the Cryptoloop functionality. Cryptoloop is part of the CryptoAPI in the 2.6 Linux kernel series.

Kerberos Infrastructure HOWTO


This document describes the design and configuration of a Kerberos infrastructure for handling authentication with GNU/Linux. It details steps for a best practices method of setting up servers, Kerberos software, conversion of legacy systems, and ans



Information about installing, configuring, running and maintaining a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Server on a Linux machine is presented on this document. The document also presents details about how to create LDAP databases, how to a

The Impact of Technology on Risk and Security


Holistic Risk Management describes the impact of technology into the risk management world. More specifically it describes technologies effect on internal controls, process and policy in an organization when technology is introduced into areas such..

Why Is No One Hacking Linux Anymore?


When this paper was first released, some readers confused this paper as a comparison between Windows and Linux. That is not the case. The purpose of this paper is to make you ask the question Why is no one hacking Linux anymore?